Просмотр полной версии : Thanks big for the answer. Whether it is possible to learn or find out more in detail about preparations on treatment...

17.05.2004, 22:02
Thanks big for the answer. Whether it is possible to learn or find out more in detail about preparations on treatment (prevention or warning) of an asthma from children and aspects of their application. Not with the purpose of a selftreatment and even to be well informed, when you speak with doctors on a place

Brejkin D.V.
18.05.2004, 19:56
For the prevention or warning of an asthma there is only one output or exit - creation strict gipoallergennogo a life. Probably also carrying out of a specific immunotherapy (30 40 having pricked subcutaneously in an arm or a hand) under indications the defined or determined doctor on the basis of inspection. Allergic rinita-a bronchitis it is possible to apply antihistamine preparations to prevention of displays - Loratin (Zirtek, Telfast, Erius) or Ketotifenum in an age dosage. But they only remove or take out signs not warning an asthma. Communicate with treating vrachem-the allergist. In Sankt-Petersburg I recommend to address in MNTK "Allergotsentr", bodies (812 272 54 43.