Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At us the girl 1, 5 years, was ill from senior. The diagnosis odinako...

13.05.2004, 02:17
Hello! At us the girl 1, 5 years, was ill from senior. The diagnosis identical - something like ORVI, with a rhinitis, tussis, the temperature 38 was one day. The doctor has appointed or nominated Klenbuterol (as expectorating??) and Tavegil-a syrup to exclude an edema (the senior two days almost choked with a rhinitis). Klenbuterol we drank or saw 6 days, Tavegilum 2 times for the night (under instructions). After the first reception of Tavegilum 5 hours and so proceeds week could not fall asleep 1 hour, after the second reception 2 2. Whether it is connected with medicines and how it is possible to return a dream? (at us also the next tooth has got out). In advance thanks for the answer.

Nogovitsyn V.J.
14.05.2004, 17:50
It has no attitude or relation to a pathology of nervous system. On background ORVI, moreover with prorezyvaniem teeth has quite the right to be such. Treatment only time. On an extreme case - calming or abirritating vegetative collectings, but only in coordination with the pediatrist (for an allergy and t. Item).