Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! The earnest entreaty to answer a question. To the son 1 4 months....

12.05.2004, 17:17
Good afternoon!
The earnest entreaty to answer a question.
To the son 1 4 months.
Since morning was obilnilyj a greenish chair. During the lunchtime the chair was small: color brownish with small greens. But most glavnoe-there was a white slime with small bloody vkroplenijami. A smell of a chair specific. It is visible that to the child painfully to go to a toilet, t. To. Cries in the extremity or end of a defecation.
For the evening has eaten a small slice salty ogurchika.
Whether such chair iz-for includings or incorporations in nutrition of the certain food stuffs (the chair with slime and a blood wears temporary har-r as reaction of an intestine to the certain nutrition) is possible or probable, or these are signs of any disease?
Thankful in advance.
Yours faithfully, Tatyana

Chernorutskaja E.I.
14.05.2004, 02:29
Tatyana, maybe, certainly, and such, but for this purpose there should be very strong toxin which at once has damaged or injured;hurt mucous an intestine so deeply that has damaged or injured;hurt also vessels podslizistoj too.
I think, vse-taki, what is it a handwork of a bacterium, and malicious, therefore I would advise: 1) to hand over a feces on a dysbacteriosis 2) to start to drink an intestinal preparation "Furazolidonum" on 1 2 4 times 3) plentiful drink 4) if diarrhea will not stop today, to call a doctor on the house.
www. vrach. spb. ru