Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! At my daughter since a birth happen pereodicheski acyanotic a nose...

07.05.2004, 04:04
The dear doctor! My daughter since a birth has pereodicheski acyanotic nosogubnyj triangle and a bridge. Now to her 1, 5 years. Whether it can be connected with any serdechno-a vascular disease. On EhoKG pathologies not vyjavlenno.

Tutelman K.M.
08.05.2004, 08:50
If except for a cyanosis (blue) nosogubnogo at the child no other complaints are present a triangle (backlog in physical development, fatigability a dyspnea or short wind, etc.) that is improbable, that there is a communication or connection of data smiptoma with a pathology serdechno-vascular system. It is necessary to think of features of blood supply of the given site or about displays vegeto-a vascular dystonia more likely.

The anonym
09.05.2004, 02:38
And what exactly to think? What researches to spend to not spend? What does it mean? How it changes a life of the child?

Tutelman K.M.
12.05.2004, 21:53
To do or make and survey it is necessary nothing. Simply perceive it as feature of your child. It is terminated or over provided that as I already above spoke, no other signs are present.