Просмотр полной версии : The DOCTOR, prompt as to cure the child 1, 3 mes of a rhinitis and tussis suhog...

11.05.2004, 18:05
The DOCTOR, prompt as to cure the child 1, 3 mes of a rhinitis and tussis dry, the temperature thanks God is not present. How a nose to wash out? To suck away or pump out it is impossible, I heard. What wash out?

Bolshakova M.A.
12.05.2004, 19:41
It is possible to use spray Akvamaris. Unfortunately, all medicines for dry tussis are ineffective. Simply it is more poite also heat all places (nozhni, handles, alkaline inhalations, flat cakes from a potato on a breast....) and plentiful drink. If tussis becomes more wet it is possible isaolzovat Ambroksol