Просмотр полной версии : Hello. At thinking here what problem. At my son, to him 10 months on nodke...

10.05.2004, 18:50
Hello. At thinking here what problem.
My son, to him 10 months on nodke had small bugorok, similar to a psoriasis, but he not shchelushitsja. At my husband a psoriasis. Then them became more, now they are both on handles and on legs or pinches and on a backrest. The doctor speaks pishchivaja allernija, but it seems to me, that she speaks such diagnosis to all, and has recommended Bepanten, I have a Rescuer, drapolen, sanosan with pantenolom, nothing helps or assists.
And still sometimes my parents dabt to the son an apple with a syrup which have made, and water it or him podslashchivajut. It from for it or him can? Has forgotten to write, that shchyochki dry, with what that as though small pryshchikami. But it on appearance is not appreciable, yet will not touch and not prismotrishsja.
Thanks for the answer.

Gamajunov B.N.
12.05.2004, 03:09
Seem to the dermatologist, it is necessary to exclude atopichesky a dermatitis, a psoriasis, dr. Diseases.