Просмотр полной версии : At us the terrible diathesis has begun, we can not overcome it or him in any way, here we address...

11.05.2004, 20:51
At us the terrible diathesis has begun, we can not overcome it or him in any way, here we address for the help...

The situation developed as follows:

gde-in 1, 5 months I have noticed that, that if we sing or we shall eat many dryings or sandwiches lichiko my girl becomes covered pryshchikami, we the pediatrist has suspected an allergy on gljuten... I do not know, whether it is valid so but if I limit consumption of products from wheat flour problems with a skin do not arise...

Now to us 4, 5 months, couple of weeks back I have again taken a great interest in farinaceous foods, that at once, literally next day have affected or have had an effect my Katya's face, - have appeared bljambochka at the left ear... For a week by means of ointment "radevit" all diateznye displays have been removed or have been taken off...

And one week ago have started to repair an entrance in our house, the smell of a paint got into an apartment, after some days on Katya's cheeks have acted terrible huge red bljamby... I have just in case got on a a diet - the boiled soaked potato, grechka, rice, water, tea... But it has not helped or assisted... Plus to it or this was added a liquid chair, not diarrhea, simply liquid chair of yellow color and a normal smell 1 3 times a day...

First two days gave Suprastinum, then, when problems with a chair have begun, gave the activated coal - has not helped or assisted...
That advises - who to smear narine or izjumnoj vodichkoj, tar ointment or Pasta lassara, homeopathic ointment "irikar" or gel "solkoseril", a cream " skin-kap " or suspension "tsindol"...

What to do or make mind or wit I shall not put or apply: (there are friends who were in a similar situation, but their experience is sad, - doctors have forced them to cease to nurse and pass to an admixture... Our pediatrist advises to hand over analyses on allergens, but like at our age they should not give correct results, besides it would not be desirable to hand over a blood from a vein...

What will you advise?..

And that arms or hand fall: (

In advance many thanks

Skilled or Experienced mother
12.05.2004, 01:10
At me children allergiki and all on my fault because during pregnancy and after I took a great interest or was fond in sweets, and all displays of an allergy on a skin greased with hormonal ointments and continued to eat chocolate. Children already schoolboys, but the allergy completely never passes or takes place, now she (during school loads,) has passed changes of a regimen of a life in a stage of a bronchial asthma, and is a correct way to physical inability. And all fault mum who did not obey doctors and struggled with displays of an allergy on a skin instead of finding a source. For treatment and the correct diagnosis search only at the doctor of the allergist, instead of at familiar with them izjumnoj vodichkoj. There are special tests for revealing of allergen. If is not present prikorma, At the baby all allergens act only with milk of mother. You for the child a source of danger, whether ask at parents were (and on what) at you with the husband in the childhood allergichekie reactions.