Просмотр полной версии : Hello doctor Langh. To the boy 2 months, itself cannot pokakat, I put...

10.05.2004, 21:16
Hello doctor Langh. To the boy 2 months, itself cannot pokakat, I put soap, absolutely firm fecal masses, sometimes liquid are allocated sometimes. Became worse est-sucks, then throws a breast about shouts, then hungry remains. Began to add is worse in weight. Prompt, as to him to help or assist. Thanks.

11.05.2004, 11:53
At me the little girl 2, 5 months, was a similar problem put candles glyceric (to me it seems what is it is better than soap) takes off practically for the same moment together with kakami. If the child does not cry and does not make an effort nothing is done or made. And still gave tea (with uropchikom, romashechkoj and an anise) it seems to me dilutes and helps or assists malyshke. Here so we have coped with this problem. And still I read that there can be a constipation if the child undereats, spend control feeding and look or see how much the kid eats.

11.05.2004, 18:14
Dear Inna, constipation at novorozhdennogo-is a problem. However, I shall notice, that at a child being on thoracal feeding the chair can be in day. If a chair of a normal consistence, it still it is impossible to name a constipation. Thoracal milk is well soaked up from an intestine and fecal masses is formed so a little, that the chair at the child does not arise more often than in 1 2 days. Your child can suffers from gases, time sharply throws a breast. See to its or his tummy.