Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist, to the son of 7 years, eats very badly without appetite if to not remind about ed...

08.05.2004, 21:15
Help or Assist, to the son of 7 years, eats very badly without appetite if to not remind of meal can eat all once a day, predilections in meal are not present, analyses all in norm or rate, all organs without changes though in MakDonaldse eats normally, but too not always, what is it can be, why so, the child very mobile, energies spends mass

The anonym
10.05.2004, 00:35
Well also what - he is exhausted? At my sister rebnok too it is unimportant all life eats, hardly will peck, and everything, hudenky, but it's OK, 12, 5 years, simply constitution such, do not feed violently - will push off a metabolism, to an organism is more visible, can, it is not necessary to him. Before meal it is possible to give jaboloko - from it or him appetite appears sometimes.

Chernorutskaja E.I.
10.05.2004, 23:31
Vick, I advise vse-taki to check up data koprogrammy and the analysis on a dysbacteriosis, very much often at bad svarenii kids do not have appetite, can send me results on a box or on a site.
www. vrach. spb. ru