Просмотр полной версии : At mine 3 years or summer daughters have become frequent such attacks: cold sweat is allocated, at...

09.05.2004, 18:18
At mine 3 years or summer daughters have become frequent such attacks: cold sweat is allocated, pulse up to 140 impacts becomes frequent, complains of a strong pain, showing on the top part of a stomach or belly, sometimes and above. During an attack there is an edema which also cyanosis around of a mouth then disappears. The child sharply weakens, cries at a strong pain. Were surveyed at the gastroenterologist, the endocrinologist and the rheumatologist. They do not see a problem in the area. The old electrocardiogram showed: " a spastic stricture podzheludochkovogo a crest ". Simultaneously at the child are frequent: an allergic itch, a foamy liquid chair, headaches (as she shows above a neck), bad appetite, tearfulness. Attacks recently became longer, on midday, and chashche-3 times for last week. With what it can be connected and to what doctor we should address urgently?

Tutelman K.M.
10.05.2004, 14:28
About your description precisely to tell or say to what expert it is necessary to address it is impossible. One it is possible to tell or say precisely, that complex inspection (probably even with hospitalization in a hospital) certainly is required. It is the Most probable, as it seems to me, that leaders are nevertheless gastroenterologicheskie problems.

See also http: // pedcardio. narod. ru
To enter the name on consultation to the cardiologist send the coordinates on tutelman@mail. ru or call on an office number of unit of cardiology MNIIP and DH 483 70 92 (Tutelman Konstantin Moiseevich).