Просмотр полной версии : Kind time of day! Advice or council is necessary. A situation following: one and a half weeks ago at...

09.05.2004, 01:55
Kind time of day! Advice or council is necessary. A situation following: one and a half weeks ago at the girl 3, 5 years the temperature 39 has begun, have called a doctor, having looked or seen the imposed throat (lymphs and mindaleny are inflamed, and also red) have put ORVI. Has held on that. Day three, in 5 days after a call of the doctor have prolonged the sick-list. Antibiotics are registered. Were going to on Monday already to leave, but on Saturday the eruption has begun with legs or foots and arms or hand, in Monday the girl all beginning or starting from uhej and up to legs or foots poured out. Simply eruption. The doctor has put an allergy, has written out lekartsvo deducing or removing toxins and has said goodbye till Thursday. Today since morning except for an eruption there were also red maculae on all body. Thus the child feels normally, the temperature is not present, on what does not complain. Appetite normal. WHAT to do or make? The suspicion is simple, that the doctor is mistaken...

10.05.2004, 00:04
There can be a doctor and is not mistaken, and can be diseases a little: a mononucleosis, a rubella, a chicken pox, kor, and also salmonelez and iersineoz. It is necessary to hand over a blood on biochemistry. Address to other doctor, for example to infektsionistu. But that there is no temperature, it is already better.