Просмотр полной версии : Advise the good children's dermatologist or the center where it is possible to visit or attend vra...

08.05.2004, 18:16
Advise the good children's dermatologist or the center where it is possible to visit or attend the doctor and more to hand over analyses.
To the girl of 6 years. We are excruciated almost year - on brushes of arms or hand reddening and partially an ecdysis. An itch. Has been diagnosed: atopichesky a dermatitis. On an allergy - the negative answer. When the skin on arms or hand starts to burst, I smear TSelestodermom with Garamycinum. Helps or assists for a short while. In connection with dermatology the doctor from a district clinic did not appoint or nominate any analyses and did not hand over. In advance thanks.

Albanova V.I.
09.05.2004, 16:06
Atopichesky a dermatitis treat in common the dermatologist and allergolog-the immunologist also inspection, accordingly, shares. Dermatologic it is possible to make in our Center, immunologic - only in a direction of the allergist.