Просмотр полной версии : Hello. The daughter had a rachitis, to vitamin D has reacted the strongest disb...

07.05.2004, 08:01
Hello. The daughter had a rachitis, to vitamin D has reacted the strongest dysbacteriosis and a diathesis. Have cancelled. Now to a daughter 2, 5 years, change of a figure, in comparison by that was about one year confuses. And nasledstvenoj predispositions to such change are not present. Narrowing of a basin. A basin and legs or foots as though lag behind in development a body. Short, thin, femurs as at a chicken. From a knee iksom. And itself too hudjushchaja, appetite a zero. But leanness at it or her what that strange. Whether the rachitis so to deform a figure can? Frontal bugry, costal are precise are appreciable much less. That it is possible to undertake for today. This winter vitamin D have spent on drink or saw through safely. But visible changes are not present. And here I have started to notice narrowing of a basin after goda-an one and a half... Thanks

Bolshakova M.A.
08.05.2004, 14:16
Seem to the pediatrist, the orthopedist. Far not any displays similar to a rachitis are a rachitis and are treated by vitamin.

09.05.2004, 09:31
The pediatrist does not confirm my suspicions, but she at us not skilled or experienced, young. To the orthopedist we shall get in a month.