Просмотр полной версии : To the child 6 months Began to sleep very badly at night. Each hour wakes up. Priho...

07.05.2004, 22:30
To the child 6 months Began to sleep very badly at night. Each hour wakes up. It is necessary, though on sekundochku, to take it or her on arms or hand then the child again falls asleep. Whether exists any uspokaitelnoe or easy or light;mild somnolent for such small children, that spolzovat it or him razovo? (even in a new year's eve)

Muraveva E.M.
09.05.2004, 00:33
Tincture of a peony - 2 for 15 20 mines up to a dream. If it will be absolutely complex or difficult to child to fall asleep, it is possible to use unitary Radedormum 1/6 tab.