Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! He speaks 4 years to the child very little. At sorts or labors was t...

06.05.2004, 00:08
Hello the doctor! He speaks 4 years to the child very little. At sorts or labors there was a trauma (shift of cervical vertebra or vertebrae 12). Further diagnosed gipertenzionnyj-gidrotsefalnyj a syndrome. We compensated it or him. Then in 3, 5 years the neuropathologist diagnoses PEP. Whether rights the neuropathologist? Also that to us with it or this to do or make, as razgovorit the child. His name is Serezha.

Dr. Kushel
07.05.2004, 07:17
If the child had really a hydrocephalus and instead of normal treatment you "compensated" it or her - that most likely now you reap result of "indemnification". If the diagnosis put " under the standard scheme or plan " - t. e. As it is usual " all successively " most likely a problem "logopedic" and is better to address in In-t correctional pedagogics in street Pogodinskoj. The trauma of cervical vertebra or vertebrae to problems of development of any attitude or relation has no speech. And the rights the neurologist or not is a demagogy and any attitude or relation to an objective status of your child has no.
Yours faithfully, D-r Kushel

08.05.2004, 17:36
Thanks you!!! Would like to tell how we treated gipertenzionnyj-gidrotsefalnyj a syndrome. Since a birth synochek received medicines, such as dikarb, asparkam, Nootropilum, Cavintonum. After 2 h years courses of having pricked Cerebrolysinum and tserebrum kompozitum were made. All was given as the neuropathologist has registered. Why we so cannot longly leave a status of a delay of speech development. Just now in the summer when already 3. he starts to speak 10 months to him separate words. Before did not try to repeat words at all. Thankful in advance.

08.05.2004, 20:48
My son was silent till 4 years. Now to him 9, goes to school not worse many and speaks not bad. Only here with retellings at us a trouble.