Просмотр полной версии : My daughter has died in 4 days after a birth. Analyses were at me good, and...

06.05.2004, 22:11
My daughter has died in 4 days after a birth. Analyses were at me good, and the child was born absolutely healthy. But for the third day at it or her have suddenly found out a bilateral pneumonia. Whether tell or say, please, the child so quickly to catch a cold can though doctors approve or confirm, what is it was fetally?

The anonym
07.05.2004, 03:26
http: // pulmonology. ru/Tezis-96/part-41. htm (blanks to clean or remove). Sincerely I condole.

07.05.2004, 13:30
At me the daughter was born with set of complications in weight 1, 85 kg. And too with a bilateral pneumonia. In hospital 1 month Now to her 2 years laid. It is very a pity, that at you such tragedy!

Krivskaja L.K.
08.05.2004, 08:19
It can be fetally, but can be and priobretenno. The problem that at newborns the bacteriemic or bacterial infection joins very quickly, develops a sepsis. Dva-three days can be enough for development of a lightning or fulminant sepsis. And not always fault or wine of doctors that had not time to rescue or save.