Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! It would be desirable to consult in occasion of a status...

06.05.2004, 23:02
Hello, the doctor! It would be desirable to consult in occasion of a status of mine plemjanitsy. To Her 4 years, normal mental development, physically a little astenichna. Suffers a bronchial asthma. Since a birth any inflammatory diseases were accompanied by giddinesses, with the subsequent vomiting, a nystagmus. The pediatrist explained these signs consequence or investigation of transferable or tolerable infections. But one year ago the situation has repeated, and on a background of the general or common health, without temperature. Have been hospitalized, surveyed (it is not assured, whether there was a neurologic inspection), but the intelligible answer was received. CHto-something in connection with that the child was hungry, therefore and the head was turned all the night long!? Recently all has repeated - the child did not sleep all the night long, zhmuril eye sights or eyes, kept for an arm or a hand of mother, the nystagmus, again a nausea and a vomiting complained that the room is turned, again. The temperature was normal, there were no attributes of a virus infection. For the morning felt better, but was flaccid and weak. How to regard? How transitional in ch a hypertensia or how " a convulsive syndrome "? The matter is that we work abroad and in the near future we can not go to Russia, and with children's neurologists, to tell the truth, here worse than ever. That we can undertake first of all. To make EEG, NSG, dopler? It is assured, that the given situation far not norm or rate as pediatrists try to assure us. In advance thanks huge. Yours faithfully, Marina

Nogovitsyn V.J.
07.05.2004, 07:02
Vo-the first, the reports similar to the letter of Irina I shall delete. It is necessary to understand a question to advise. Marina, your child needs to seem to the normal neurologist, most likely it is required EEG, it is possible or probable KT i/or MRT (NSG, by the way, in 4 years it it is impossible to make in general). But categorically I do not advise to pass or take place inspection independently without the control, can get confused and miss time. Concerning complexity with children's neurologists - to find vse-it is peerly possible, it is necessary to ask, find, for example, university clinic and t. The item should be made It NECESSARILY.