Просмотр полной версии : My son 3, last week does not go itself kakat, in three days is done or made to...

04.05.2004, 13:53
My son 3, last week does not go itself kakat, in three days we do or make clysters, we give fruit and vegetables, can prompt something medicamental?

Bagautdinova I.V.
06.05.2004, 05:14
With what you svjazvaetsja occurrence of a delay of a chair at your child? A constipation - a problem which can appear at any age: at the newborn kid, the preschool child, the schoolboy or the teenager. It is considered, that a constipation - the most widespread pathology zheludochno-an intestinal tract at children.
What to consider or count as a constipation.
The constipation is a difficulty of the certificate or act of a defecation (a defecation - process oporozhnenija an intestine) or absence independent oporozhnenija an intestine during any period of time. Depending on age of the child the periods during which there should be an independent chair, vary. The newborn baby who is being on natural feeding, "has the right" to such quantity or amount of defecations, how much time feed it or him. It is an ideal variant, but for modern children in the age of up to 2 - 3 months are admissible to have a chair not less than 2 times day. For children who are being on artificial feeding, about one year the constipation considers absence of an independent chair within day.
For children till 6 months the constipation considers not only absence independent oporozhnenija an intestine within day, but also occurrence of the firm issued feces. A normal consistence of fecal masses at this age "meal", that is nonformalized (but also not liquid) is considered a feces. If at the kid to whom it was not executed half a year, the feces - in the form of "kolbaski" or "globules", is a predilection to constipations. In the age of from 6 months till 1, 5 years the feces can be as kashitseobraznym, and issued.
At children of preschool and school age a constipation - absence of an independent chair within day. Thus, the consistence of fecal masses can be and not firm.
Quite often the child does not have defecation more than day, can be even 2 - 3 day, and then the child goes to a toilet "meal" or zhidko, but it, all the same, - a constipation.
If the child independently, t. e. Without the help of adults, empties an intestine one or some times for a day, but thus strongly makes an effort, cries, and the feces - very firm in the form of "nutlets" (so-called the sheep feces ), small portions, often with streaks of a blood is too a constipation.
At the senior schoolboys parents can guess presence of a constipation, if the child goes to a toilet with the book, and longly does not leave. In this case it is necessary to talk to it or him as teenagers frequently hesitate to tell to parents about the problems with a chair.
For some people (on different data from 3 up to 10 %) normal is oporozhnenie an intestine once in 2 - 3 day. Thus, at them - not complicated certificate or act of a defecation, a normal feces on a consistence, and the delay of a chair does not cause or cause any unpleasant subjective sensations (such as a flaccidity, feeling of gravity or overflow in an abdominal cavity, abdominal pains, depression of appetite). Usually such features have hereditary character. If your child concerns to such group of people the given rhythm of defecations is usually established or installed to 7 - to 10 years, and till this time he should go on - big , as well as other children: not less often than an once in day.
What constipations happen.
Constipations can be caused or called by congenital anatomic defects thick and a rectum (congenital aganglioz - illness or disease Girshprunga, an achalasia of a rectum, etc.). More often such statuses are shown by absence of a defecation since a birth. Can be and the got anatomic constipations: after operative measures in the field of a rectum or in an abdominal cavity due to an adhesive desease. Constipations of the anatomic nature are called organic. Children's surgeons are engaged in such constipations, in some cases it is necessary to do or make an immediate surgery.
In overwhelming majority of cases children have not organic, but functional constipations. Functional constipations are caused not by structural lesions of an intestine (all is generated correctly, no anatomic defects of an intestine are present), and disturbances of mechanisms of a regulation of motor activity zheludochno - an intestinal tract (dysfunction GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT).
As a result of the various reasons about which it will be told or said below, the tonus of a wall of an intestine varies. Constipations can be spastic when the tonus of any site of an intestine is raised or increased, and fecal masses cannot overcome this place. Externally it is shown in the form of very dense, "sheep" feces. Other version of functional constipations - hypotonic or atonic constipations. In this case the delay of a defecation can reach or achieve 5 - 7 days, the feces can be great volume, leaky.
The reasons of development of functional constipations.
At children of thoracal age the important factor for normal functioning an intestine is the delivery. Usually at children who are being on artificial feeding, a chair twice less often, than at the kids receiving maternal milk. It is necessary to remember that at the small child mechanisms of a regulation of digestion and adaptic opportunities are not generated yet. Therefore any change of a delivery can lead to occurrence of dysfunction of the intestine, one of which displays is the constipation. It is desirable, that the kid even till 6 months was fed with thoracal milk, introduction prikorma (juices, mashed potatoes, porridges, sour-milk products, cottage cheese) up to 5 is undesirable - 6 months, are undesirable frequent change of a delivery, especially base (if the child receives any artificial admixture, it is not necessary to try to replace it or her with another if in it or this there is no obvious necessity).
Dysbacterioses of an intestine often are accompanied by constipations. Disturbances in structure of normal intestinal flora occur or happen for the different reasons. Any problems during pregnancy, such as threat of an abortion, a toxicosis, infectious diseases, reception of antibiotics or the hormonal preparations, the latent, flaccid diseases at the pregnant woman can become the reason of development of a dysbacteriosis at the child. Other reasons are: cesarean section, a prematurity, a becoming infected of the child and wrong feeding (early translation or transfer into artificial admixtures, untimely introduction prikorma, absence of stability of a delivery).
Delivery as the regulator of motor function of an intestine, saves the role and at more senior children. In occurrence of constipations can result or bring the long use mechanically and thermally sparing nutrition (the scrubbed or wiped dishes, mashed potatoes, kissels, porridges - razmazni and t. Item), absence in a ration of products, %