Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! To my son 13. Difficultly experiences the age (differences...

03.05.2004, 23:59
The dear doctor! To my son 13. Difficultly experiences the age (differences of mood, vzryvchatost, insults, etc.), and the most important: he to itself(himself) does not find a place, if it or him have humiliated all peerly than (actions, words). I read the psychological literature, I advise him as I can..., namely: it is necessary to aspire to have such high feeling of advantage, chto-nobody could humiliate it or him under no circumstances, what the person is free itself to choose, whether chuvstvovat-to him humiliation in unworthy situations or not, whether, etc. Prava-I? Whether Pravilnye-this advice or councils? What will you advise? Thanks.

Pisarenko N.A.
04.05.2004, 06:50
Good advice or councils, but I do not think, that they work. You as though speak him - you incorrectly feel, so it is not necessary to feel. Everything, that he perceives from such conversations - that you cannot understand it or him.

Such experiences can be as display of age crisis, and to testify to special psychological problems of the child (for example, a depression) - depending on that, how they are shown, what intensity, up to what degree they prevent to feel, adapt normally to the child in collective to study.

First of all, you should concern more seriously to its or his feelings, to accept them, to regret it or him.

05.05.2004, 22:19
Many thanks for the answer. But, in fact it is bad, if the person feels the humility, the doctor! I understand it or him, I regret..., he after my advice or councils becomes more joyful. I think it or him, vsyo-taki internally to the psychologist to show.