Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At son VPS: DMZHP 2, 2, Open Company 3. Now to him 9 months Were at ka...

01.05.2004, 23:08
Hello! At son VPS: DMZHP 2, 2, Open Company 3. Now to him 9 months Were at kardiorevmatologa, she has told or said, that serdechko still rustles and the overload of a ventricle (iz-for hums) has appointed or nominated Pananginum on 1/3 h 3 times a day, ostensibly at it or him. Whether So it? Any doctor to us has not told or said, that hums in heart at the given diagnosis mean overload PZH, t. To. " Hums are caused or called excessive perebrosom bloods " (citation). Pulse at the child 110 ud/minutes of Backlogs in physical (weight 9500, body height 74) and psychomotor development is not present. The electrocardiogram and EhoKG for last 5 months did not do or make. More precisely, the electrocardiogram tried to make, but the child was in a hysterics, t. To. nastorozhenno concerns to another's, and indications accordingly were bad, at pulse - 200 ud/minutes And in general, the doctor frightens us operation though at a birth, and then in 4 months doctors from Perinatalnogo kardiotsentra at hospital 67 have told or said, that to us, actually, there is nothing to be afraid and all will be tightened or delayed by itself. Any more I do not know, to whom and to listen. It would be desirable to hear your opinion concerning dependence of an overload on hums, and also to learn or find out, the above-stated diagnosis is how much dangerous to the child. In advance I thank. Also I apologize for long and putannye explanations, t. To. iz-for experiences in a head - a porridge.

Tutelman K.M.
05.05.2004, 17:57
Hum in heart at DMZHP is really connected with dump of a blood from a left ventricle in right. Frequently to define or determine on haraktru hum an expression of dump hardly enough - small DMZHP can give much more "hum", than greater or big. Moreover at the expressed overload of the right departments hum can decrease (alignment of pressure in the left and right ventricles - pseudo-normalization). Therefore EhoKG probably All of you peerly to not avoid, I recommend to make it or him to you in the leader kardiohirurgicheskom a hospital - NTSSSH it or him. A.N.Bakuleva.