Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! You writes to you the colleague, vrach-the psychiatrist. Help or assist me...

05.05.2004, 03:18
Hello, the doctor!
You writes to you the colleague, vrach-the psychiatrist. Help or assist me, please, advice or council. Were with the son 5 weeks ago (now to him 8, 5 months) at the neuropathologist, have diagnosed " Perinatalnaja an encephalopathy, gidrotsefalnyj a syndrome ", the sizes of a head greater or big (45, 5 sm) for its or his age, the truth at us in family at all a greater or big head. Did or made NSG, the doctor has told or said, that expansion of ventricles is not present, but there is an expansion of a subarachnoid space (4). Have appointed or nominated veroshpiron, glitsiram, Ketotifenum. I a little bit negligently otnoslas to purposes or appointments as the child rather quiet both does not disturb me, and he received medicines 1, 5 weeks instead of prohand-written 6 weeks. 10 days ago he has fallen, from height of 60 sm, the loss of consciousness was not, vomitings too. Have shown its or his ophthalmologist and have made NSG. The oculist has told or said, that all in norm or rate, NSG has confirmed expansion of a subarachnoid space (3), all other parameters in norm or rate. But yesterday it seemed to me, what at it or him the head has increased - has measured - whether 48 such augmentation of the sizes of a head see Can is connected with falling? It seems to me, he became more restless, has started to give him veroshpiron and glitsiram, but I doubt in occasion of Ketotifenum, whether it is necessary to give Ketotifenum? I wait from you for the answer.

Nogovitsyn V.J.
05.05.2004, 12:17
The colleague, it is necessary to look or see at rates of a gain of a head since a birth + the sizes of a head at relatives and parameters of development. At uniform relative dynamics or changes of body height of a head (a monthly increase, instead of absolute digits), absence of problems in nevrol. The status, normal gl. Day or bottom;fundus and NSG (in your case - the norm or rate) about any hydrocephalus of speech is not present (the diagnosis " gidrotsefalnyj the syndrome " does not exist). Falling has hardly affected or has hardly had an effect the child. Substantiations of treatment in your description are not present. For what Ketotifenum I is appointed or nominated do not know. I would show the child to other neurologist, at suspicion on a hydrocephalus - to the neurosurgeon.