Просмотр полной версии : To the child plasty DMZHP in 9 months, but through an aperture between st has been made...

03.05.2004, 18:22
To the child plasty DMZHP in 9 months has been made, but through an aperture between stitches there is a small dump 2 as the doctor has explained, all time continuously to sew it is impossible. Such can be??? But it disturbs me as iz-for it or this there is a hum, from the date of operation has passed or has taken place 10, 5 months but frequency of palpitation 125 in a minute. We on digaksine. The regional doctor of any responsibility in occasion of a cancelling of a preparation to incur does not want, and on last consultation in Bakulevo have told or said to cancel reception in a month, this term has already passed or has already taken place and palpitation same. What to do or make? Whether there can be a repeated operation??? Please write your opinion in this occasion.

Bystrova E.V.
05.05.2004, 02:46
Dear Katya, sometimes after plasty of defect really remains dump, which m causes hum. And though he is insignificant, but causes disturbance of a hemodynamic, therefore it is necessary to consult nevertheless once again at cardiosurgeons.