Просмотр полной версии : Dear Lydia Konstantinovna! In the first report, nahodishchimsja nizh...

04.05.2004, 17:37
Dear Lydia Konstantinovna!
In the first report, nahodishchimsja below I have not specified the reason problemm with shchitovidkoj. The matter is that daughters have diagnosed "dysmenorrhea" and have advised to make uzi a thyroid gland, doing or making an emphasis that lymph nodes are increased. Advise, whether it is necessary to do or make uzi shchetovidki or something or something else?
Thankful in advance.

Krivskaja L.K.
05.05.2004, 00:17
If at the girl the dysmenorrhea and thus is increased a thyroid gland, instead of LYMPHONODUSES it is necessary to make US shchitovidki (if function of a gland is lowered it mozhet to lead to disturbance of a cycle). So understand please, what all taki is increased at the girl?