Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I am lucky enough to be a veterinary, and also konsultirovat...

02.05.2004, 15:22
Hello! I am lucky enough to be a veterinary, and also to advise in section "Veterinarian" on 03. ru (Yeliseyev And.). I address to you in occasion of the niece (5 years). Its or her mum, being concerned often mydriatic pupils at the daughter, has shown the child to the ophthalmologist in a regional children's out-patient department. The doctor, having examined a conjunctiva, has confidently concluded: "... I see in opinion of at girl of worms who are very widely widespread and are passed from cats and dogs (more often from cats) at a touch; I distinguish even a kind of worms, here they, round; as they are at your daughter - they are and at all other members of family, therefore all of you need to spend on drink " Vermoxum "... ". On specifying questions of mother (the name of a helminth and t. Item), the doctor has habitually responded: "... These are worms which are passed from cats and dogs... " . As typical signs accompanying a given helminthiasis, the doctor has noted black circles under the eyes and a gnash teeth; also has emphasized, that analyses them to reveal it is impossible, and she them and so sees. Thus any mark in a map the doctor has not made, all has been passed "by word of mouth".
Mum of the niece was in horror from the diagnosis and has first of all called to me, as to the expert in the field of " the worms passed from dogs and cats ". I, in turn, being on a sort of a trade am competent of this question, could not recollect (and also to find in the literature) any helminthiasis (especially widely widespread), passed from dogs and cats to the person (and also from the person to the person) at which the helminth ("round") parasitizes in an organ of vision and is sensitive to action of peroral forms of Mebendazolum ("Vermoxum"); like on a course of an ophthalmology to us explained, that systemic medicamental therapy of diseases of an eye is irrelevant iz-for gistogematicheskogo a barrier. The first, that has occurred: the doctor to indirect attributes (paleness of a conjunctiva and t. Item) Has suspected an intestinal helminthiasis (possibly, toksokaroz which really as easy as shelling pears to pick up at contact to the infected animal). But it has appeared not so; the doctor has really made out helminths in an eye at the child, lethally having frightened mother.
In connection with the above-stated, there is a question: what vse-taki meant and what it is necessary to undertake?

Gorlacheva L.I.
03.05.2004, 20:01
Dear Anait Vladimirovna.
To a question in occasion of helminths on a conjunctiva eye javloka to respond I am at a loss, as survey is necessary. Most likely helminths there are not present. Except for it or this even if to assume their presence, they will not cause or call expansion of pupils. The gnash of a teeth at children at night usually is an attribute of an intestinal helminthiasis. I appoint or nominate vermicidal preparations to children at attributes of depression of immunity that is shown by frequent barleys and haljazionami. The dose of a preparation steals up the pediatrist. Whether has checked up the doctor to the child visual acuity and whether has defined or determined a clinical refraction? What status of an eyeground?

04.05.2004, 10:37
Lyudmila Iosifovna, thanks for explanatories! There Were new nuances: the doctor examined not 5 years or summer girl, and its or her sister by whom 4 months (I recently were executed has incorrectly understood). The girl is weakened or easied, only recently hardly it was possible to correct a dyspepsia and a dysbacteriosis (have been allocated klebsielly); the hernia of a white line is found out, it or this causes difficulty of a defecation. Application antigelmintikov is how much justified at not confirmed diagnosis at this age, considering the anamnesis and small probability of infection by helminths of the baby (members of family keep hygiene at contact to the child)? Whether It is possible to believe, what the pathologies of an eye specified by you can develop owing to depression of immunity for other reasons? Thanks.
P. S. As the reason of the reference or manipulation to me was the helminthiasis, a question on a status actually visions has remained " behind a board ".