Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte! To my child 2 years of 6 months. Three weeks ago we were ill....

03.05.2004, 02:55
Zdrastvujte! To my child 2 years of 6 months. Three weeks ago we were ill. Week there was a cold: nebolsha temperature, tussis. Accepted aflufin, bronhosan, nurofen. By a weekend I considered or counted, that we recover, but not here that was. On Monday the temperature up to 38, 5 has risen. The child began to complain on ushko. On Tuesday have called a doctor, he has registered febrifugal, Ambroksol and camphoric or camphor butter or oil and has recommended to address to LORu. On medium of an ENT has told or said, that in ushkah crusts, the otitis is not present, is similar to the rests of cold. But these days the temperature continued all periodically (2 3 times day) to rise up to 38, 5. On Thursday have caused or called other pediatrist, he has told or said, that rhonchuses are not present, have decided to hand over analyses. Friday. The analysis of a blood: leucocytes 7, 4, an ESR - 3, eosinocytes - 10. The analysis wet - in norm or rate. The diagnosis: an allergy on medicines. Purpose or appointment: Suprastinum, Peritolum. 3 days gave these medicines, but temperature once a day, but rose. Has ceased to give - like all it was normalized. But me the fact of the raised or increased eosinocytes and disturbs the reasons, caused or called their rising. How to exclude, me concrete analyses, diagnoses corresponding or meeting rising of eosinocytes interest? Thanks

Bolshakova M.A.
04.05.2004, 05:06
Eosinocytes n always testify to a pathology. Sometimes they raise or increase at convalescence (t. n. An eosinophilic dawn of convalescence). In other cases it can be at a helminthic or giardiac invasion or an allergy (less often). The diagnosis " allergies on medicines " under one analysis of a blood is doubtful, and temperature not in its or his advantage or benefit. Therefore it is necessary to you, if all will alter well, simply the analysis of a blood in couple of weeks