Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! Prompt, please, where it is possible to address for ochn...

02.05.2004, 02:44
Hello, the doctor! Prompt, please, where it is possible to address for an internal occurring with the good children's psychologist? To a daughter of 10 years, goes to school - grammar schools, the program very serious, the girl understands all, but has not time to do or make the task, the same - all very slowly does or makes houses. Schoolmates tease "brake", but she very much umnenkaja. Very much I wish to show its or her expert, but I do not know where to address, references are necessary, and at me anybody from friends does not know where it is possible to go. Advise the good expert, please. Many thanks.

Pisarenko N.A.
03.05.2004, 15:59
1. Where you live? 2. Really in a grammar school there is no expert? 3. There are free-of-charge psihologo-mediko-the pedagogical centers in Moscow, addresses in RONO, 4. If you in Moscow, can communicate with me by mail healthybaby@yandex. ru