Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say, to the child 1 and 7 months Has had been ill with a streptococcal angina very hardly...

02.05.2004, 10:08
Tell or Say, to the child 1 and 7 months Has had been ill with a streptococcal angina very hardly. What it is necessary to do or make in vostanovitelnyj the period and than this disease is dangerous? How in the further it or him to warn and what first aid at first attributes of an angina? To prevent so serious perebolevanie?

Balashova T.L.
03.05.2004, 15:12
Marina, an angina is dangerous the complications. As a rule, at an angina kidneys, heart, joints suffer. To avoid an angina in the further, it is necessary to strengthen immunity of the child. Consult to the pediatrist also in occasion of an opportunity zakalivanija. Specific prophylaxis of anginas does not exist, however, if the organism of the child will be capable to resist to an infection, she can never and not repeat.