Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor. At a daughter (1, 5 mes) the temperature in the morning 37.2 keeps...

02.05.2004, 21:20
Hello, the doctor.
At a daughter (1, 5 mes) keeps the temperature in the morning 37.2, rises up to 37.7, at night 36.8 (it is measured in an axillary hollow) in the evening.
The temperature keeps more weeks.
The child it is not overheated (strongly it is not muffled up).

Doctors of anything cannot tell or say. The ENT looked - vosspaleny is not present. The child behaves normally (not flaccid, not vzvolnovanyj). neonatolog speaks, that frequency of intimate or cardiac reductions and respirations normal.
From current problems - only dizbakterioz (we treat klibsielu a pneumonia).

Whether can dizbakterioz cause?
What can it be?

The anonym
03.05.2004, 10:03
No, dizbakterioz, most likely neprichem.
Probably, you do not muffle up the child, but in where the kid is, too hotly, do not forget, at this age, the thermoregulation at children ojaen is weak if to not tell or say, that she in general otvutstvuet.... In the afternoon hotly, is more cool in the evening, at night to the child it is good, because is always more cool at night. Elementary.

03.05.2004, 14:06
If 21 23 degrees it is possible to name a heat all is valid so elementary as you speak.
But if it not so, that then?