Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! To my girl of 6 months. All has begun in the extremity or end of March...

02.05.2004, 16:38
Hello, the doctor!
To my girl of 6 months. All has begun in the extremity or end of March, more precisely, I began to notice it when to her was approximately month 3. There can be signs were and earlier, but she could not designate them. Month in 3 she has started to pull any cloth when ate on a head, the face, ears, fell asleep too only with a cloth on a head. We were afraid, that she will choke, but she cried and fell asleep having wound all head a cloth. In the extremity or end of April (month in 4) we have gone or send to a wood, here she began to rub handles a nose, eyes to cry, veki have reddened, wreaths a few centuries or blepharons ago became claret and appreciable. We have left a wood, and all has gradually passed or has gradually taken place. To a wood tried to not go, but at us it is a lot of trees simply near houses and roads. All the same at an output or exit on street the child overturns in a carriage the face downwards, utykaetsja a nose and coils, is capricious, veki and a nose become red. Dacryagogues and soplej are not present.
Recently I began to notice, that when she starts to eat - the history repeats: a nose and veki redden, wreaths on centuries or blepharons become appreciable up to brows, she scratches eyes all time (!!!) while eats.
About ears. She simply tears off ears. Scratches them within all day, inside of auricles too there are visible capillaries. Recently she has started to scratch a body: legs or pinches, a breast. Eruptions on a body are not present.
In the afternoon does not sleep, or sleeps minutes 40 in the street. Sleeps badly at night. Turns, wakes up each 15 30 minutes, cries, utykaetsja a nose, coils and cries. Scratches a nose, ears, eyes.
Meal. The first 3, 5 months shouted. In the days and at the nights. The first 3 months - the mixed feeding (dokorm 30 60 ml once a day). Then a breast has refused. Simply did not take a breast and shouted. I was decanted, gave in a bottle, thoracal did not eat. Began to give milk or dairy admixture Humana 1 (an initial delivery). In 4 months tried to give juices as has told or said the pediatrist (at survey the pediatrist assures me, that the child is healthy). The Digestive disturbance, a green chair, abdominal pains. Gave apple, pear, carrots. A diathesis on all cheeks, in inguinal and proctal or anal area an eruption passing gradually in korku. At the termination or discontinuance of the use all passes or takes place. The skin becomes pure or clean. Juices to give have ceased. Gave banana mashed potatoes, result similar. Have gone or send to gastroeterologu, have handed over analyses - a dysbacteriosis. The doctor has appointed or nominated treatment (1. Polyvalent piobakteriofag - 7 days, 2. Enterolum - 5 days, 3. Kreon - 14 days, Hilak Forte - 20 days). Has told or said, that it is possible to try or taste vegetable mashed potatoes. Tried to give a potato, a cauliflower (a children's delivery) - did not sleep or burn at the nights: cries, utykaetsja a nose, in inguinal and proctal or anal area an eruption, red maculae. Today wished to pass on Humanu 2 for children with 4 h months, (her as I have already told or said 6 months), gave on 30 ml, after 2 h feedings on 180 ml. Reaction became appreciable at once on an eruption and behaviour. As a result till now we sit on an initial delivery without prikormov, and on this initial delivery as I wrote, the history repeats: a nose and veki redden, wreaths on centuries or blepharons become appreciable up to brows, she scratches eyes all time (!!!) while eats.
The oculist has diagnosed - an allergic conjunctivitis. All medicines for an allergy with 2 h years. Suprastinum does not transfer or carry.

p. s. The child was born as a result of cesarean the sections, the first 2 days gave any antibiotics. Month 1, 5 gave bifidum. When to the child there were 3 weeks house have infected the child any pulmonary (I do not remember the name) with an infection. 3 days gave sumamed. All this time (5 months) she coughed. Has addressed to the lung specialist, have handed over a blood - till now a virus in a blood. Thus the pediatrist approves or confirms, that the child is healthy.

Where it is possible to receive the qualified consultation and the help?!!!

03.05.2004, 00:10
Hello, Oksana! At once I shall write, that I not the doctor and not the expert! Simply I too mum and me very much dolno was to read about yours malyshke! On your place I would address not to one doctor, and to several! It is not simple to the pediatrist, and to the doctor immediately working with children who are in hospitals even better! Vsetaki I trust them more! About a possible or probable allergy! You should get urgently on reception to the allergist! To you will make tests (ask) and in 10 minutes will tell or say to you the answer, what products can be given, and what - are not present! And receive results practically on all prdukty, plants, a dust and t. d! And to accept to you it is possible drops ZJURTEK, but consult at first with vrachem! At me at the son (1, 4) jumped out on cheeks a diathesis, have made the test and it has appeared that the allergy is not present on products, and there is a small reaction to alimentary additives! And as pojavljaetsja an erythema prinemaem ZJURTEK and the moment all passes or takes place! And 2 months already in general are not present anything! If the priest all red pampers do not approach or suit, change for other stamp! Hold popku in a tray or basin with an easy or a light;a mild solution of a camomile on 5 6 times a day, And then put or render on red places BEPANTEN pink (in general very good ointment)! Try or Taste, she is harmless, only on genitals do not put or render! This ointment both on a body and on cheeks smear! Removes or takes out a boring! With her or it also a breast smear at thoracal feeding! She is absolutely harmless (even esle popodet in a mouth malyshke)! But vsezhe at first about an allergy to the allergist! If chto-write! vasula@rambler. ru I live in Estonia, can where also I of that can learn or find out! Success to you and patiences! Light