Просмотр полной версии : Conjunctivitis. How to be: ' (

Furso Victor
02.10.2004, 03:40
The oculist has put the preliminary diagnosis-. Sensation inogrodnogo bodies under a upper eyelid.

Has appointed or nominated Unguentum Tetracyclini and a lavage of a century or blepharon Furacilinum.

Problem in that at me an allergy on antibiotics. The oculist has risked nevertheless to write out Unguentum Tetracyclini. Reaction-itch. Has washed out an eye. Now it's OK. But the basic disease remains.

Than still, except for antibiotics, it is possible to treat konjuktivit.

Can drops -zinc, 2 % r-O Acidum boricum... How will consult? I shall be very grateful for the help.

17.10.2004, 17:37
Drops maksitrol.

13.01.2005, 17:03
Problem in that at me an allergy on antibiotics

In most cases it is possible to find a medicine on which allergies are not present or she is minimal...

Now to you, certainly, not before but when will cope konjuktivitom, reach the allergist and make assays that another time the nobility, what antibiotics to you, all the same, can use.

And so, I know only, what antibiotics, really, apply at konnktivite If simultaneously antihistamine (protivoalergicheskie) preparations to drink? Will not help or assist?

By the way, time is available an allergy the conjunctivitis too happens allergic.. Lenses, in eyes did not use a drop? Can, cosmetics have replaced - ink, shadows?

Vasily 0072005
10.02.2005, 19:46
Many thanks for the help and support. At me such status disgusting to not pass. Nervousness awful.: " - (

Ink new. Can from it or her. And the analysis I shall make precisely. All did not turn out to descend or go in any way.

Drops I shall take, thanks.

18.02.2005, 17:50
The conjunctivitis happens allergic, adenoviral and bacteriemic or bacterial.

For everyone the course of treatment. Absolutely different...... The main thing, ch toby the correct diagnosis have established or installed. Otherwise it is possible to start. Absolutely. I treated 3 years.......

The north
10.03.2005, 17:29
Then to scientific research institute of Eye illnesses or diseases to go? In regional has l- told or said, that is similar konjuktivit. How to specify the diagnosis?

25.04.2005, 11:19
And the usual sulfacetamide of sodium does not help or assist??

And drops Find fault-O? in sochetenii with it or him (antiallergens)

19.05.2005, 14:34

28.05.2005, 06:05
Konjuktivit is a pyesis including.

pokapajte Find fault- nevertheless, harm will not be from it or him and if it is an allergy at once there will be a simplification.

04.06.2005, 01:20
Today-tomorrow pokapaju Maksitrol. To pair or steam drops hour back in an eye has dripped- better.

After pokapaju Find fault-O? since at Maksitrola with many side effects.

Kofejshchitsy. And you I adore!!! Will not leave a difficult minute.

Off Yes that this or thus such-personal the gynecologist, personal gastro. What now about the qualified doctors in advance information or inquiries to direct? And in regional any more will not help or assist? In fact in a map it is written by GREATER or BIG LETTERS-.

07.06.2005, 01:59
I in general in Peter live. It was longly treated in a district clinic. But there treated from bacteriemic or bacterial, a cat. At me was not......... Then in the central eye clinic........ There took soskob with konnktivy on crop, on a fungus, but all the same have confirmed a virus parentage. But as already all has been started, the written out course of treatment too did not help or assist. THAT IS there was couple of months all ok, p otom again eyes reddened.....

More shortly, I have gone to Moscow, in and-O eye illnesses or diseases, the underground Park of culture, like it or him;them. Gejmgoltsa or somehow so.

There too me investigated or researched, have written out a medicine, a cat. It is invented and then was on sale only in a drugstore at and- (the name I do not remember), in from it to me and has helped or assisted......

14.06.2005, 05:50
Well the conjunctivitis still can be, as complication after any trauma of an eye, even insignificant, after a flu, an angina seldom, but happens..... Usually all over again (if he not virus) appoint or nominate banal Albucidum, on that has put at 90 % and comes to an end, well and if is not present descend or go on consultation in eye (!) unit of the nearest hospital if and there will not help or assist - scientific research institute Gemgoltsa

14.06.2005, 05:53
Has dripped Maksitrolom an eye in the evening (2 drops) and in the morning- (1 drop). All has passed or has taken place.

Trial and error method has found out - an allergy on ink EL. And both is Magnaskopik and new. Probably, a problem not in EL, and in colour ink - black. Used brown Earlier.

For advice or council to be surveyed in scientific research institute Gemgoltsa of many thanks. I shall know where to run in case of what

The allergy on ink was once, and was shown absolutely on another - an itch of blepharons from ink Lankom. Here the name I do not remember

14.06.2005, 05:55
All has passed or has taken place.

With convalescence

These are excellent or different drops. Marvellously soft (will agree, not very much and burned, the truth?) also operate or work very quickly.

However at the present or true strong conjunctivitis recommend prokapat them within 10 days without dependence from rate of convalescence.

Therefore if again there will be any signs, be not too lazy prokapat 10 days. Even if again " all will pass or take place " in a day.