Просмотр полной версии : To the grandmother 82 years, lying, after an insult, in postele are necessary perevorachiva...

29.08.2004, 10:19
To the grandmother 82 years, lying, after an insult, in postele it is necessary to overturn from a side sideways (itself cannot). When overturned yesterday has noticed, that at it or her eyes very quickly move (tuda-here) approximately 5 seconds. Tonight has seen, that a pupil of the right eye not black, and something is closed reminding on color and structure or frame an iris of the eye; if to shine a lantern the small lumen in a vitreous is visible. WHAT IS IT SUCH And WHETHER it is possible TO CURE IT HOUSES? Mine e-mail: 1721mail@mtu-net. ru

Sachkova O.J.
31.08.2004, 08:36
Changes in a zone of a pupil are similar under the description to a cataract. At home it is treated, operation is necessary. Movements of eyes are connected with a neurology.

04.09.2004, 01:57
Olga Jurevna if it is possible I shall specify simpomatiku.
The lens not muddy, a pupil is closed by something opaque, "shone" at a daylight, reminding on color and structure or frame an iris of the eye when you shine a lantern small yellow maculae is visible. The grandmother of the order of year accepts Cyclodolum of 1 2 tablets in day.
Whether the given situation is similar to display of a glaucoma or shift of a lens (type nesovmeshchenija coaxial apertures)?

Sachkova O.J.
08.09.2004, 01:08
It is possible to suspect amotio or detachment of a retina, but this guessing on a coffee ground. In any case, cause or call the ophthalmologist on the house, it can be made in a district clinic or platno. In operative treatment most likely, to you will give up, so it is necessary more attention obatit on a healthy eye, to try to save vision on a unique eye.