Просмотр полной версии : Ptosis, syndrome Markusa Gunna at the kid

01.09.2004, 19:30

9 monthly two at a birth (after EKO) the boy and the girl. At the boy diagnose a ptosis (1-2.) the left upper eyelid, syndrome Markusa Gunna. The left blepharon not always opens completely. The left eye blinks. Vision good. The pupil is opened or open completely.


1. Therefore at the son the given syndrome: a birth trauma? Because of EKO?

2. Whether probably any treatment and whether can pass or take place this or thus?

3. If treatment is impossible, whether that is possible or probable operating? At what age (earliest)? On operation how much is complex or difficult? In what she consists? What result can be expected?

4. Whether it is possible ustarnit both a ptosis, and blinking?


01.09.2004, 19:30
Syndrome Markusa-GUna is a pathology of development of nervous ways, c genetic, also the fetal reasons however are not excluded. In this case the reason in wrong inervatsii muscles of a century or blepharon.

Cardinally such situation to correct it is impossible, however she can smooth out due to *quot; ?aoUo*quot; managements of the century. Considering, that vision develops normally (I so understand), that optics of an eye normal and you could estimate or appreciate somehow visual functions on this eye operation will have only cosmetic character.

Terms, I think should be defined or determined by the ophthalmologist which you nablljudaet, but my opinion that while to hurry is not necessary.