Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, hello. What reasons of occurrence allegricheskogo konjuktivi...

19.08.2004, 00:35
The doctor, hello. What reasons of occurrence allegricheskogo konjuktivita

20.08.2004, 03:24
Allergic conjunctivitises.

Allergic conjunctivitises develop owing to a hypersensibility of an organism to this or that substance - to allergen. Allergens can be various bacteria, the medicines weighed in air of a particle of an animal and a phytogenesis, food stuffs and other substances. Allergic reactions can be got or to arise at hereditary predisposition.
The conjunctivitis spring (catarrh) proceeds as the slowed down allergic reaction with prevalence of a proliferation of a tissue. Faces in the age of 10 20 years is more often fall or are ill. There is a photophobia, a dacryagogue, an itch in opinion of, sensation of an alien or a foreign body, gravity of blepharons. Distinguish conjunctival, limbalnuju and the mixed forms of disease. At the conjunctival form the connecting environment of a cartilage of a upper eyelid has a milk or dairy shade and is covered utolshchennymi bledno-by the pink papillary growths reminding by the form "cobblestone road". On the top transitive cord or crimp of a conjunctiva papillary growths, as a rule, do not extend. A conjunctiva of a lower eyelid slightly utolshchena, growths on her either are absent, or are individual. For limbalnoj forms of disease are characteristic serovato-acyanotic vitreous or glassy thickenings of a limbus. At the mixed form the simultaneous lesion of a cartilage of a upper eyelid and a limbus is observed. The discharge from a conjunctival bag or is absent, or insignificant. Current of a spring conjunctivitis long with periodic exacerbations (in usually spring and in the summer).
Treatment of the symptomatic, unpleasant sensations directed on elimination in opinion of and the inflammatory phenomena. Wash out eyes of 2 % a solution of Acidum boricum, a solution of a potassium of permanganate (1 : 5000), 0, 02 % aqueous solutions diamond green or metilenovogo dark blue 2 3 once a day. Appoint or nominate instilljatsii 0, 25 % of a solution of Zinci sulfas with a solution of Adrenalinum hydrochloricum (10 drops 0, 1 % of a solution of an adrenaline on 10 ml a solution of Zinci sulfas), 2 % of a solution of Amidopyrinum about 0, 1 % a solution of Adrenalinum hydrochloricum (1Q drops on 10 ml), 0, 2 0, 5 % of a solution of Dimedrolum, 0, 5 % of a solution antazolina. To putting off or taking out of unpleasant subjective sensations apply 0, 25 % a solution of Dicainum or 0, 5 2 % a solution of Trimecainum on 1 2 drops 3 4 times a day. The greatest effect comes after application of corticosteroids as in the form of eye drops (0, 5 1 % suspension of Cortisonum, 0, 5 2, 5 % suspension of Hidrocortizonum, 0, 3 % a solution of Prednisolonum and 0, 1 % a solution of Dexamethazonum, 0, 1 % suspension fljuorometazona), and in the form of oculentums (0, 5 % gidrokortizonovaja or 0, 5 % prednizolonovaja). Apply also 1 4 % a solution kromolina sodium. Instilljatsii spend 3 4 times, ointment is pawned with 2 3 times a day.
Alongside with local treatment active desensitizing therapy is necessary. Inside appoint or nominate 10 % a solution of Calcii chloridum on 1 table spoon or gluconat of a calcium on 0, 5 g 3 times day, Dimedrolum on 0, 05 g 2 times day, Diprazinum on 0, 012 0, 025 g, Phencarolum on 0, 025 0, 05 g, Diazolinum on 0, 05 g, Tavegilum on 0, 001 g, Suprastinum on 0, 025 g, Pipolphenum on 0, 025 g, sandosten on 0, 05 g, fenestil on 0, 0025 g, lizenil on 0, 025 g, Peritolum on 0, 004 g 2 3 times a day. Enter a hystoglobulin subcutaneously - the adult on 1 2 ml 2 times into a week, on a course of 8 injections; to children till 12 years on 1 ml 2 times a week, 6 injections on a course. Acidum ascorbinicum and n's vitamin Is recommended also inside repeat in 4 6 months. Patients are necessary for avoiding bright light, wearing svetozashchitnyh glasses or spots is shown. In some cases appreciable improvement is marked or celebrated at change of a climate.
The conjunctivitis medicinal arises sometimes after local application (in a conjunctival bag) solutions and ointments of some medical products (Atropinum, Scopolaminum, Eserinum, Phosphacolum, armies, Tosmilenum, Pilocarpinum, Dicainum, a synthomycin, Monomycinum, etc.) at their individual intolerance on a background of a preliminary sensibilization to the given preparations. The medicinal conjunctivitis can develop also after reception of preparations of the general or common action (Allocholum, neuroleptics, intimate or cardiac glycosides, antihypertensives, sexual hormones, etc.).
In some cases disease proceeds was acutely, is accompanied by a strong itch, a burning sensation expressed by an edema and a hyperemia of a conjunctiva, plentiful mucous separated. The papillary hypertrophy of a conjunctiva reminding by the form spring catarrh, arises only after long local application of a medicine - allergen. Allergic reaction in the form of a follicular conjunctivitis develops thus rather slowly (weeks, months). In the beginning follicles appear on a conjunctiva of the bottom crest or fornix and a lower eyelid, t. e. In places of the greatest contact to medicinal substances, later - on a conjunctiva of the top crest or fornix and a upper eyelid, on a conjunctiva of an eyeglobe at a limbus and on the limbus.
Quite often medicinal follicular conjunctivitis happens unilateral and develops in an eye into which the medicinal substance is entered. At some patients allergic reaction is shown also in the form of the central erosion of a cornea, epitelalnogo or stromalnogo a keratitis.
Treatment. A cancelling of the preparation which has caused or called allergic reaction. Purpose or appointment of corticosteroid preparations in the form of eye drops and oculentums: 0, 5 2, 5 % of suspension of Hidrocortizonum or Cortisonum, 0, 3 % of a solution of Prednisolonum,
0, 1 % of a solution of Dexamethazonum, 0, 5 % of ointment of Hidrocortizonum, 0, 5 % of ointment of Prednisolonum. Apply also 2 % a solution of Amidopyrinum about 0, 1 % a solution of Adrenalinum hydrochloricum, 0, 5 % a solution of Dimedrolum, a drop blefamida, "Sofradeks". Under indications spend also the general or common desensitizing therapy reducing a reactivity of an organism.
The conjunctivitis Senna concerns to group of pollinoses, t. e. The allergic reactions arising at influence of pollen of plants. Develops usually in the summer during flowering some plants, in particular cereals. The conjunctivitis represents one of signs of a hay fever. Patients mark or celebrate a burning sensation, an itch in opinion of, a photophobia, a dacryagogue. At survey - the expressed hyperemia, nabuhlost and a papillary hypertrophy of a conjunctiva of blepharons and an eyeglobe. Simultaneously there is a rhinitis and catarrh top respiratory ways. These phenomena with offensive or approach of a season annually repeat, gradually weakening with the years.
Treatment. Local - corticosteroids in the form of eye drops: 0, 5 2, 5 % an emulsion of Cortisonum and Hidrocortizonum, 0, 3 % a solution of Prednisolonum, 0, 1 % a solution of Dexamethazonum. Apply also 0, 25 % a solution of Zinci sulfas about 0, 1 % a solution of Adrenalinum hydrochloricum (10 drops on 10 ml) or 2 % a solution of Amidopyrinum, 0, 5 % a solution of Dimedrolum 3 4 times a day. The general or common treatment: inside - Dimedrolum on 0, 05 g 2 3 times day and 5 % a solution of Calcii chloridum intravenously on 10 ml. The same medical products apply with the preventive purpose prior to the beginning of a season of flowering of the plants causing an allergy. Treatment of allergic displays from the top respiratory ways at the otolaryngologist. Change of a climate for the period of flowering of plants.
Conjunctivitis scrofulous (fliktenuleznyj). Children and faces of the young age, suffering with a pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial and cervical lymph nodes are ill or sick mainly. Disease develops owing to a sensibilization of tissues of an eye to products of disintegration of a tuberculous focus. Process is response allergicheski the predisposed conjunctiva of an eyeglobe on new entering in it or her of allergen.
On a conjunctiva of an eyeglobe and on a limbus there are single or plural inflammatory nodules (phlyctenas). The photophobia, a dacryagogue are sharply expressed, there can be a nictitating spasm. Is available appreciable enough conjunctival or mixed (conjunctival and pericorneal) an injection. Phlyctenas on a conjunctiva usually completely resolve, but sometimes break up with education of ulcerations and the subsequent cicatrization. As a rule, fliktenuleznyj the conjunctivitis is accompanied by a lesion of a cornea.
Treatment. The general or common and local tuberkulostaticheskuju therapy combine with desensitizing, symptomatic and obshcheukrepljajushchej. The general or common antituberculous or antitubercular treatment spend to destination the phthisiatrician and the pediatrist.
Mestno apply a solution streptomitsin-hlorkaltsievogo a complex in drops (10 000 20 000 ED Streptomycinum in 1 ml distilled water), 3 10 % a solution of sodium paraamino-Salicylas (PASK-sodium), 0, 5 2, 5 % suspension of Cortisonum, gidrokartizona, 30 % a solution sulfatsil-sodium, 10 % a solution sulfapiridazin-sodium, 0, 25 % a solution of Levomycetinum, 1 % a solution of Kanamycinum. At fliktenuleznom keratokonjunkti-vite spend physiotherapeutic procedures: an electrophoresis of Streptomycinum, Calcii chloridum or Hidrocortizonum. Appoint or nominate tuberkulostaticheskie preparations - Isoniazidum (Tubazidum), Ftivazidum, Saluzidum, PASK-sodium, Rifampicinum (Rifadinum), Cycloserinum, Etioniamidum, Thioacetazonum (Tibonum), Streptomycinum in the doses, corresponding or meeting I shall increase.
Widely use preparations of a calcium: 5 10 % a solution of Calcii chloridum on 1 table spoon 3 times a day or 10 % a solution intravenously on 10 ml once a day (10 15 injections on a course), gluconat of a calcium on 0, 5 g 3 times a day. Appoint or nominate also Dimedrolum on 0, 025 0, 05 g, Phencarolum on 0, 025 0, 05 g, Tavegilum on 0, 001 g, Suprastinum on 0, 025 g, Peritolum on 0, 004 g 3 times day, small doses of Prednisolonum on 5 mg 2 times day, vitamins A, In], 82, B12, With, cod-liver oil. Alongside with medicamental treatment the climatotherapy is shown.
Conjunctivitis follicular. A chronic inflammation of the conjunctiva, shown a hyperemia, razryhlennostju its or her tissues, a thickening and education of follicles. The last are observed in a conjunctiva usually in the bottom crest or fornix, less often - on a mucosa of a century or blepharon and an eyeglobe. Follicles fine, translucent or semidiaphanous, settle down superficially, correct series, towering above giperemirovannoj a tissue of a conjunctiva. A discharge insignificant. With a follicular conjunctivitis children are ill or sick mainly.
Treatment. Mestno apply 0, 25 % a solution of Zincum of Zinci sulfas with Acidum boricum and an adrenaline, corticosteroids in the form of eye drops, 0, 5 2, 5 % suspension of Cortisonum or Hidrocortizonum, 0, 5 % a solution of Dimedrolum, 2 % a solution of Amidopyrinum, a drop "Sofradeks".
At exacerbations and appreciable separated appoint or nominate 20 % a solution sulfatsil-sodium, 10 % a solution sulfapiridazin-sodium, 0, 3 % a solution of Levomycetinum, 1 5 % an emulsion of a synthomycin, 0, 02 % a solution of Furacilinum. During treatment replacement of one preparations with others is necessary. Inside appoint or nominate desensitizing (Sodium chloridum of a calcium, Dimedrolum, Theralenum, Pipolphenum) and fortifying agents (cod-liver oil, vitamins).

The used literature:
Frosts of Century I.Jakovlev And. - the Directory a pharmacotherapy of eye illnesses or diseases. Moscow "Medicine"

20.08.2004, 06:43
Allergic conjunctivitises.

Allergic conjunctivitises develop owing to a hypersensibility of an organism to this or that substance - to allergen. Allergens can be various bacteria, the medicines weighed in air of a particle of an animal and a phytogenesis, food stuffs and other substances. Allergic reactions can be got or to arise at hereditary predisposition.
The conjunctivitis spring (catarrh) proceeds as the slowed down allergic reaction with prevalence of a proliferation of a tissue. Faces in the age of 10 20 years is more often fall or are ill. There is a photophobia, a dacryagogue, an itch in opinion of, sensation of an alien or a foreign body, gravity of blepharons. Distinguish conjunctival, limbalnuju and the mixed forms of disease. At the conjunctival form the connecting environment of a cartilage of a upper eyelid has a milk or dairy shade and is covered utolshchennymi bledno-by the pink papillary growths reminding by the form "cobblestone road". On the top transitive cord or crimp of a conjunctiva papillary growths, as a rule, do not extend. A conjunctiva of a lower eyelid slightly utolshchena, growths on her either are absent, or are individual. For limbalnoj forms of disease are characteristic serovato-acyanotic vitreous or glassy thickenings of a limbus. At the mixed form the simultaneous lesion of a cartilage of a upper eyelid and a limbus is observed. The discharge from a conjunctival bag or is absent, or insignificant. Current of a spring conjunctivitis long with periodic exacerbations (in usually spring and in the summer).
Treatment of the symptomatic, unpleasant sensations directed on elimination in opinion of and the inflammatory phenomena. Wash out eyes of 2 % a solution of Acidum boricum, a solution of a potassium of permanganate (1 : 5000), 0, 02 % aqueous solutions diamond green or metilenovogo dark blue 2 3 once a day. Appoint or nominate instilljatsii 0, 25 % of a solution of Zinci sulfas with a solution of Adrenalinum hydrochloricum (10 drops 0, 1 % of a solution of an adrenaline on 10 ml a solution of Zinci sulfas), 2 % of a solution of Amidopyrinum about 0, 1 % a solution of Adrenalinum hydrochloricum (1Q drops on 10 ml), 0, 2 0, 5 % of a solution of Dimedrolum, 0, 5 % of a solution antazolina. To putting off or taking out of unpleasant subjective sensations apply 0, 25 % a solution of Dicainum or 0, 5 2 % a solution of Trimecainum on 1 2 drops 3 4 times a day. The greatest effect comes after application of corticosteroids as in the form of eye drops (0, 5 1 % suspension of Cortisonum, 0, 5 2, 5 % suspension of Hidrocortizonum, 0, 3 % a solution of Prednisolonum and 0, 1 % a solution of Dexamethazonum, 0, 1 % suspension fljuorometazona), and in the form of oculentums (0, 5 % gidrokortizonovaja or 0, 5 % prednizolonovaja). Apply also 1 4 % a solution kromolina sodium. Instilljatsii spend 3 4 times, ointment is pawned with 2 3 times a day.
Alongside with local treatment active desensitizing therapy is necessary. Inside appoint or nominate 10 % a solution of Calcii chloridum on 1 table spoon or gluconat of a calcium on 0, 5 g 3 times day, Dimedrolum on 0, 05 g 2 times day, Diprazinum on 0, 012 0, 025 g, Phencarolum on 0, 025 0, 05 g, Diazolinum on 0, 05 g, Tavegilum on 0, 001 g, Suprastinum on 0, 025 g, Pipolphenum on 0, 025 g, sandosten on 0, 05 g, fenestil on 0, 0025 g, lizenil on 0, 025 g, Peritolum on 0, 004 g 2 3 times a day. Enter a hystoglobulin subcutaneously - the adult on 1 2 ml 2 times into a week, on a course of 8 injections; to children till 12 years on 1 ml 2 times a week, 6 injections on a course. Acidum ascorbinicum and n's vitamin Is recommended also inside repeat in 4 6 months. Patients are necessary for avoiding bright light, wearing svetozashchitnyh glasses or spots is shown. In some cases appreciable improvement is marked or celebrated at change of a climate.
The conjunctivitis medicinal arises sometimes after local application (in a conjunctival bag) solutions and ointments of some medical products (Atropinum, Scopolaminum, Eserinum, Phosphacolum, armies, Tosmilenum, Pilocarpinum, Dicainum, a synthomycin, Monomycinum, etc.) at their individual intolerance on a background of a preliminary sensibilization to the given preparations. The medicinal conjunctivitis can develop also after reception of preparations of the general or common action (Allocholum, neuroleptics, intimate or cardiac glycosides, antihypertensives, sexual hormones, etc.).
In some cases disease proceeds was acutely, is accompanied by a strong itch, a burning sensation expressed by an edema and a hyperemia of a conjunctiva, plentiful mucous separated. The papillary hypertrophy of a conjunctiva reminding by the form spring catarrh, arises only after long local application of a medicine - allergen. Allergic reaction in the form of a follicular conjunctivitis develops thus rather slowly (weeks, months). In the beginning follicles appear on a conjunctiva of the bottom crest or fornix and a lower eyelid, t. e. In places of the greatest contact to medicinal substances, later - on a conjunctiva of the top crest or fornix and a upper eyelid, on a conjunctiva of an eyeglobe at a limbus and on the limbus.
Quite often medicinal follicular conjunctivitis happens unilateral and develops in an eye into which the medicinal substance is entered. At some patients allergic reaction is shown also in the form of the central erosion of a cornea, epitelalnogo or stromalnogo a keratitis.
Treatment. A cancelling of the preparation which has caused or called allergic reaction. Purpose or appointment of corticosteroid preparations in the form of eye drops and oculentums: 0, 5 2, 5 % of suspension of Hidrocortizonum or Cortisonum, 0, 3 % of a solution of Prednisolonum,
0, 1 % of a solution of Dexamethazonum, 0, 5 % of ointment of Hidrocortizonum, 0, 5 % of ointment of Prednisolonum. Apply also 2 % a solution of Amidopyrinum about 0, 1 % a solution of Adrenalinum hydrochloricum, 0, 5 % a solution of Dimedrolum, a drop blefamida, "Sofradeks". Under indications spend also the general or common desensitizing therapy reducing a reactivity of an organism.
The conjunctivitis Senna concerns to group of pollinoses, t. e. The allergic reactions arising at influence of pollen of plants. Develops usually in the summer during flowering some plants, in particular cereals. The conjunctivitis represents one of signs of a hay fever. Patients mark or celebrate a burning sensation, an itch in opinion of, a photophobia, a dacryagogue. At survey - the expressed hyperemia, nabuhlost and a papillary hypertrophy of a conjunctiva of blepharons and an eyeglobe. Simultaneously there is a rhinitis and catarrh top respiratory ways. These phenomena with offensive or approach of a season annually repeat, gradually weakening with the years.
Treatment. Local - corticosteroids in the form of eye drops: 0, 5 2, 5 % an emulsion of Cortisonum and Hidrocortizonum, 0, 3 % a solution of Prednisolonum, 0, 1 % a solution of Dexamethazonum. Apply also 0, 25 % a solution of Zinci sulfas about 0, 1 % a solution of Adrenalinum hydrochloricum (10 drops on 10 ml) or 2 % a solution of Amidopyrinum, 0, 5 % a solution of Dimedrolum 3 4 times a day. The general or common treatment: inside - Dimedrolum on 0, 05 g 2 3 times day and 5 % a solution of Calcii chloridum intravenously on 10 ml. The same medical products apply with the preventive purpose prior to the beginning of a season of flowering of the plants causing an allergy. Treatment of allergic displays from the top respiratory ways at the otolaryngologist. Change of a climate for the period of flowering of plants.
Conjunctivitis scrofulous (fliktenuleznyj). Children and faces of the young age, suffering with a pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial and cervical lymph nodes are ill or sick mainly. Disease develops owing to a sensibilization of tissues of an eye to products of disintegration of a tuberculous focus. Process is response allergicheski the predisposed conjunctiva of an eyeglobe on new entering in it or her of allergen.
On a conjunctiva of an eyeglobe and on a limbus there are single or plural inflammatory nodules (phlyctenas). The photophobia, a dacryagogue are sharply expressed, there can be a nictitating spasm. Is available appreciable enough conjunctival or mixed (conjunctival and pericorneal) an injection. Phlyctenas on a conjunctiva usually completely resolve, but sometimes break up with education of ulcerations and the subsequent cicatrization. As a rule, fliktenuleznyj the conjunctivitis is accompanied by a lesion of a cornea.
Treatment. The general or common and local tuberkulostaticheskuju therapy combine with desensitizing, symptomatic and obshcheukrepljajushchej. The general or common antituberculous or antitubercular treatment spend to destination the phthisiatrician and the pediatrist.
Mestno apply a solution streptomitsin-hlorkaltsievogo a complex in drops (10 000 20 000 ED Streptomycinum in 1 ml distilled water), 3 10 % a solution of sodium paraamino-Salicylas (PASK-sodium), 0, 5 2, 5 % suspension of Cortisonum, gidrokartizona, 30 % a solution sulfatsil-sodium, 10 % a solution sulfapiridazin-sodium, 0, 25 % a solution of Levomycetinum, 1 % a solution of Kanamycinum. At fliktenuleznom keratokonjunkti-vite spend physiotherapeutic procedures: an electrophoresis of Streptomycinum, Calcii chloridum or Hidrocortizonum. Appoint or nominate tuberkulostaticheskie preparations - Isoniazidum (Tubazidum), Ftivazidum, Saluzidum, PASK-sodium, Rifampicinum (Rifadinum), Cycloserinum, Etioniamidum, Thioacetazonum (Tibonum), Streptomycinum in the doses, corresponding or meeting I shall increase.
Widely use preparations of a calcium: 5 10 % a solution of Calcii chloridum on 1 table spoon 3 times a day or 10 % a solution intravenously on 10 ml once a day (10 15 injections on a course), gluconat of a calcium on 0, 5 g 3 times a day. Appoint or nominate also Dimedrolum on 0, 025 0, 05 g, Phencarolum on 0, 025 0, 05 g, Tavegilum on 0, 001 g, Suprastinum on 0, 025 g, Peritolum on 0, 004 g 3 times day, small doses of Prednisolonum on 5 mg 2 times day, vitamins A, In], 82, B12, With, cod-liver oil. Alongside with medicamental treatment the climatotherapy is shown.
Conjunctivitis follicular. A chronic inflammation of the conjunctiva, shown a hyperemia, razryhlennostju its or her tissues, a thickening and education of follicles. The last are observed in a conjunctiva usually in the bottom crest or fornix, less often - on a mucosa of a century or blepharon and an eyeglobe. Follicles fine, translucent or semidiaphanous, settle down superficially, correct series, towering above giperemirovannoj a tissue of a conjunctiva. A discharge insignificant. With a follicular conjunctivitis children are ill or sick mainly.
Treatment. Mestno apply 0, 25 % a solution of Zincum of Zinci sulfas with Acidum boricum and an adrenaline, corticosteroids in the form of eye drops, 0, 5 2, 5 % suspension of Cortisonum or Hidrocortizonum, 0, 5 % a solution of Dimedrolum, 2 % a solution of Amidopyrinum, a drop "Sofradeks".
At exacerbations and appreciable separated appoint or nominate 20 % a solution sulfatsil-sodium, 10 % a solution sulfapiridazin-sodium, 0, 3 % a solution of Levomycetinum, 1 5 % an emulsion of a synthomycin, 0, 02 % a solution of Furacilinum. During treatment replacement of one preparations with others is necessary. Inside appoint or nominate desensitizing (Sodium chloridum of a calcium, Dimedrolum, Theralenum, Pipolphenum) and fortifying agents (cod-liver oil, vitamins).

The used literature:
Frosts of Century I.Jakovlev And. - the Directory a pharmacotherapy of eye illnesses or diseases. Moscow "Medicine"