Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! My daughter 11 years, at it or her mikroftalm the left eye are fast...

19.07.2004, 19:42
The dear doctor!
My daughter 11 years, at it or her mikroftalm the left eye and progressing deterioration in the second eye are fast, in the past to year was - 1, in it or this to year - 1, 5 tell or say pozhalujsto:
1) What fortifying vitamins, preparations are useful?
2) I have the various information (both from cecutient and from doctors), what wearing of glasses or spots causes adaptation under lenses and in the further there is faster deterioration of vision?
3) What there are modern techniques, and agents for improvement or stabilization of vision?
4) That else can recommend?

Sachkova O.J.
21.07.2004, 03:45
Wearing of glasses or spots does not influence at all deterioration of vision. Modern techniques, except for a correct regimen and good operating conditions, for prophylaxis of advance of a myopia does not exist. The myopia - 1.5 is a myopia of a weak degree, no trouble to eyes of your child does not occur or happen