Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, I always had an excellent or a different vision, but six years ago I...

Olga Ivanovna, 50 years
10.07.2004, 04:29
The dear doctor, I always had an excellent or a different vision, but six years ago I began to work on a computer and vision began to worsen sharply, eyes constantly red and dryness is felt. I read and work on a computer in glasses or spots (+ 3), far I see well. Advise what to do or make, please, can be eat any BADy or vitamins for restoration of vision. And whether it is possible to restore vision?
Thankful in advance.

Bocharova I.V.
13.07.2004, 02:10
That at you vision close worsens is a age norm or rate (presbiopija-age weakening of accommodation), happens practically at all after 40 years. To restore it is impossible, only correction by glasses or spots.

Olga Ivanovna
16.07.2004, 06:47
The dear doctor but how it is possible to support or maintain even vision, is any vitamins or BADy. What exactly can be accepted that vision katostroficheki did not worsen.
