Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! In last days off I went to eye clinic on on...

25.06.2004, 05:46
Hello the doctor!
In last days off I went to eye clinic in occasion of a strong hemorrhage. Like with it or this it's OK, the high pressure for me was simple, probably, too. But at survey in one eye it was found out any dyrochka, through kotoroju as to me have explained, the liquid, apparently, on setchaku can get, that conducts to it or her otsloeniju and dalneshej to a loss of sight. To me have told or said, what is it very seriously, and in the near future it or she should be soldered" the laser. Never simply I about such heard. Whether the truth, what is it so it is serious and whether there is any treatment by the laser? And how much or as far as often it happens at people? And still I read, that at patients by whom did or made laser correction of vision, like, there were attributes of a daltonism, but, the truth, was a question of depression of perception of contrast when one color is imposed on another. Whether it concerns to correction or any intervention the laser can entail it if at all it is the truth?
In advance very much I thank for your answer.

Sachkova O.J.
26.06.2004, 03:43
Practically any complications from lazerkoaguljatsii retinas in your case do not happen, anything the best to offer you it is impossible