Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me such problem: One week ago has bought or purchased lenses, vision-...

02.06.2004, 01:34
At me such problem:
One week ago has bought or purchased lenses, vision - 3. Before wore only glasses or spots. In lenses I feel diskomfort-as though something is in an eye and stirs or prevents, but as to me have told or said it a stage of accustoming! And vtoroja problema-I badly see close, the text floats a little! And hardly to read, eyes look or appear tired, patients. Went repeatedly to the ophthalmologist, he has explained to me, that close I and should not see well, as at me a myopia!
Explain please and should be!
And what term of accustoming to lenses.

I thank for the answer.

03.06.2004, 03:38
I not the ophthalmologist, also have no attitude or relation to medicine in general.
But contact lenses I wear already two a year and it is happy or enough with them without borders.
At me a myopia, too a three. Lenses American, are intended for absolute or hundred-percent vision both close, and afar. In lenses I can easy write and read. Term of accustoming, I think, depends on lenses. My lenses contain 66 % of water, eyes quickly have got used to them (weeks through two, I sovem did not feel lenses, dressed for schitanye seconds) though all over again too felt a dyscomfort. I think. That you it is necessary to pay attention to quality of lenses, stranu-of the manufacturer, and also on lechushchego the doctor. Success!

Ryzhkov S.V.
03.06.2004, 18:47
To you simply, probably, have written out too strong lenses.

The doctor med.tsentra OpticalNet Andrienko G.V.
04.06.2004, 02:32
Good afternoon! It completely agree with pregoing opinion.
If during nedeli-two dyscomfort will not decrease, probably it is required to try or taste other more "gentle" contact lenses. The dyscomfort close will pass or take place within 1 1, 5 months. It is connected by that earlier close you glasses or spots did not use, and used the myopia, therefore muscles need to learn to work close in lenses (to accommodate). It is normal. At a choice of lenses - pay attention, that the more often the lens is replaced - the better for eyes.

04.06.2004, 16:32
Accustoming to MKL as a maximum of 10 12 days.
If the dyscomfort will be saved, it is necessary to change.
Correctly picked up lenses (curvature,) for the third day do not disturb a diopter.

k.m.n. T.D.Abugova
06.06.2004, 07:22
JA-the expert on contact correction with 28 the experience, the teacher, the author more than 40 scientific jobs. The sensation, that in opinion of something is usually lasts from 1 2 till 2 weeks depending on an individual acceptability of lenses. Difficulties at reading testify that to you too strong lenses are picked up and it is necessary to replace them.