Просмотр полной версии : For 8 hours per day I work behind a computer: eyes, from time to time oshch strongly get tired...

25.05.2004, 02:28
For 8 hours per day I work behind a computer: eyes strongly get tired, painful sensations are from time to time felt, but the most unpleasant - vessels strongly burst. Advise please, what drops can be got in drugstores to get rid even of last problem. Thanks.

Zhidkova T.V.
26.05.2004, 06:59
Carry out following exercises for eyes: translation or transfer of eyes from close distance on distant, circular movements of eyes, massage of eyeglobes. Wear glasses the laser vizhn at job with a computer (till 1 o'clock), at reddening eyes dig in or instill vizin or Naphthyzinum 0, 05 %.

27.05.2004, 10:55
First of all it is necessary for you to replace the monitor, at new frequency of vertical development or display should be 85 Hz then eyes practically will not get tired because this frequency of an eye practically do not see. Such monitors on sale are: it is in 15 inch cost from 150 - 180 $ I Can advise monitor CTX 1569 SE (I can be mistaken, but on mine the name of model was replaced on c 1569SE on VL500), cost of all nearby 150 $, and parameters and quality excellent or different. Talk to the chief in occasion of the new monitor. Success!

29.05.2004, 01:38
Come on a site http: // www. webmarket. ru/lornet-m
There it is a lot of the information, devoted to a computer visual syndrome and measures on its or his prophylaxis