Просмотр полной версии : To my grandmother of 80 years. The eye suffers a cataract both. One eye does not see owls...

Naumenko Victor
24.05.2004, 16:20
To my grandmother of 80 years. The eye suffers a cataract both. One eye does not see absolutely. In the Kiev center of laser correction of vision " eksimer in treatment to her have given up having referred on old age. Whether there is an age restriction for carrying out of laser correction of vision, how much or as far as this method is effective and whether it is possible to apply it or him at Dtsp. The author of a question suffers this serious illness of 25 years. If probably I ask to send the answer to mine E-mail viktor naumenko mail. ru Thanks.

Sachkova O.J.
25.05.2004, 18:54
If at the grandmother katarakta-laser correction in any way will not help or assist her, the ex-traction of a cataract which is made at any age (at the consent of the therapist) here is necessary. To what at DTSP you wish to apply laser correction? At you a myopia?