Просмотр полной версии : At me slezotochenie the left eye. The lacrimonasal channel was hammered. Nososlezny ka...

21.05.2004, 04:07
At me slezotochenie the left eye. The lacrimonasal channel was hammered. Nososlezny the channel washed out already time 5, pomagaet it is no more than for 1 day. There is a suspicion that has developed Vazomotorny the Rhinitis, signs, from for a thorn from a nasal septum which ostensibly can irritate vnutreneju an environment of a nose coincide. One doctors speak that the thorn from a septum does not stir or prevent to respiration and it is not necessary to touch or tamper with, and others that not having removed a thorn, and will be slezotochenie. Whether there was who nibud the phenomenon slezotochenija, and from for what it arose?

Sachkova O.J.
22.05.2004, 01:39
The dacryagogue is connected with an edema of mucosas of a nose, are treated at an ENT of the doctor, the ophthalmologist cannot help or assist you.