Просмотр полной версии : Kind health! I wish to consult at the competent expert On p...

02.05.2004, 08:52
Kind health!
I wish to consult at the competent expert
In occasion of the relative 73 h years with the diagnosis unripe cataracts. Whether there is a difference at implantation stekljanogo and plastikogo a lens?
With deep Respect for YOUR humane trade!
In advance thanks for the answer!

Sachkova O.J.
03.05.2004, 04:15
The artificial lens does not happen glass, more often he he from PMMA, spetsalnoj inert plastic, is other materials, for example lejkosapfir, the copolymer of a collagen, etc. the Choice of a lens depends on a way of operation, visual acuity depends basically on quality of the spent operation, instead of from a material of a lens. If more detailed consultation is necessary, call 759 26 61