Просмотр полной версии : Myopia - 6, 5

04.05.2003, 19:27
Hello the doctor! At me a myopia - 6, 5. I wear krntaktnye lenses. I work behind a computer for 7 hours per day. During job I wear glasses with spets. A covering. For the night I drip drops Medriatsil. But at me in the mornings very dry eyes. Whether there are any medicines reducing this dryness?

05.05.2003, 14:10
the Initial report from Lilja
For the night I drip drops Medriatsil. But at me in the mornings very dry eyes. Whether there are any medicines reducing this dryness?
Long uncontrolled application of medicinal preparations leads to display of their by-effects.
For example, to occurrence of a xerophthalmus.

Can help or assist Tears Naturale or ophthalmologic aOoNu??-gel.
And still, read through a subject the Computer and eyes (http: // www.forum.nedug.ru/showthread.php? s = and threadid=34)