Просмотр полной версии : Hemolitic streptococcus!

01.12.2005, 09:18

In me have found out a hemolitic streptococcus in a throat.
In the same place enterococcus faecum. In a nose - any staphilococcus, but have told or said harmless.
Have told or said - this streptococcus - a hospital infection - is not treated. And enterokokk already at me caused an inflammation of appendages in the summer.
On sensitivity have checked up - any intiseptik does not approach or suit, and all some antibiotics - Levomycetinum,
What to do or make?
To me 26. Will soon get or start time of the child. Whether it is dangerous?
I from Kazan. Here do or make a lavage tonzillorom. Whether it is necessary to try or taste?
To me recommended imudon and IRS. But, having looked or seen in the instruction what lysates of bacteria they contain - the has not found! (?)
Also recommended Anginas Hel of S.Pro it or him I do not know anything.
In September at me the nagging pain in a neck from most sick tonsil has begun, has gone down up to a level shchitovidki. The strongest delicacy was.
Whether there is a chance to recover for ever and to remain with tonsils?

In advance I thank.

06.12.2005, 20:51
The answer
Dear Olya1210,
Under your description, it is a question of an adenoid disease which you consider or examine;survey as the center of an infection. But today it is known, that palatine tonsils are an active immune protective organ, which develops or produces protective leucocytes against any infection to protect lungs from an infection from a nose, and anginas are display of this protective reaction. Therefore it is necessary to treat not tonsils, and to put in order a nose (chronic disease in a nose or disturbance of aerodynamics of a nose on Southern type). More in detail about problems of a nose and its or his aerodynamics look on my site

12.12.2005, 21:35
Now I wash out tonsils an admixture of Dimexidum and dimefosfona.
But here strongly disturbs difficulty with a swallowing. It seems to me, that at me tongue, especially its or his root, there, where tonsils and has increased in sizes below.
Also in submandibular area the strong dyscomfort - a constant strain is closer to tonsils. Like lymphonoduses would not be probed or palpated, but there were roughnesses indistinct.
What all it can mean?
Can, this streptococcus to me has got into lymphonoduses?
Whether he CAN be passed at kisses?
Whether treatment is possible or probable?
What VYy think of apparatus TONZILLOR?

12.12.2005, 22:01
The answer
Dear Olya1210,
You are able to listen to answers or for you the main thing to ask a question?
I have offered you will familiarize with your problems on my site and tried to explain, that it is necessary to treat not consequence or investigation - in a throat, and a nose which is the reason of problems in a throat.
You ask the same question, on treatment of a throat, repeatedly not paying attention to the answer. Then what for you discuss this subject?
If to you the doctor discuss with it or him your questions, time you washes out tonsils trust him such treatment. And if be engaged in a selftreatment, we to you in it or this not assistants. I can advise only to you concerns to the health more closely or attentively and to solve your problems with the treating doctor

13.12.2005, 16:23
Dear Jury Petrovich,
There was I on your site, at me, unfortunately, there is no opportunity to arrive, here and has addressed to you with last hope...
At the Kazan doctors only dollars in opinion of are shone, and on all questions write out improper medicines from which the drugstore it or him deducts percent or interests. And the doctor very superficially washes out to me - after it or him I booze a proside itself I wash away.
I still young, and am excruciated and I am ill or sick as the old woman though also sports I am engaged, staraju to eat correctly, any bad habits. All has gone after a bruise of a brain and nazolikvorei, can, not zarosla dyrochka this.
With a nose at me all by way of so doctors speak.
In general, a vicious circle. Thought, can, will prompt as correctly and than to wash out lacunas, and whether it is necessary to do or make it by antibiotics. Already and to live such patient it would not be desirable...

13.12.2005, 22:44
The answer
Dear Olya1210,
Already which time I try to explain to you what to wash out to a tonsil does not follow, for they are not the center of an infection as fuses in tonsils quite normal phenomenon and deleting them thought earlier, and, you only in addition irritate and tramiruete tonsils. And if fuses about a smell then, they abscess because of stomatic respiration at night. In that case the nose which should provide nasal respiration at night is again guilty. And more time I repeat, that you have left tonsils alone. All troubles in a throat and colds depend on disturbance of protective properties of a nose, for example, Southern type of aerodynamics. More in detail on we wash a site where there is advice or councils at problems in a throat and in a nose.

14.12.2005, 20:56
And here that fuses - the normal phenomenon is for me news, and, pleasant! I thought, what is it the rests of nutrition there jam:)).
Jury Petrovich, thanks you for an explanation!
By the way, for interest has tried to wash out a nose pure or clean water - the pain terrible was, somewhere in the top part nasal cavities and gave to face and orbits. Slime has gone. It seems, you are right on the bill of problems with a nose.
And after that to breathe it became unusually pleasant - vozduk warm became.
My respect!!!

14.12.2005, 21:50
The answer
Dear Olya1210.
Under your description, there is a drying mucous a nose that is typical at disturbances of aerodynamics but to Southern type. Remember, that the Nose is afraid also some boiled water. To drip in a nose it is possible only a normal saline solution (there is in all drugstores) for humidification mucous and, before a dream, a vegetable oil in a nose from alimentary, which not shchipit and does not pawn a nose. Tea of average tea leaves (color of cognac) at a rhinitis as exception, too is possible. More in detail on we wash a site in section of medicinal protection muko- a clearance. I wish your of good luck