Просмотр полной версии : Similar all a genyantritis...

04.12.2005, 05:54
Zdraste the doctor. It is good, that you are!!!
postorajus vkratse about itself:
At the Union it was easier, it was constantly surveyed in 1 in FTK at tov. nedostupa. I have rheumatic disease, 2 claim. The valve and the immunity weakened or easied by job, a nicotine, somewhere alcohol and three marriages or spoilage. Unfortunately job does not allow to address normally to doctors and it is necessary at times to illness or disease to transfer or carry on legs or foots. And in the beginning of year porenyos any it is similar ORVI, has cured itself quickly, but there was what for my 38 years nebylo never - at first weak pains in sinuses, little bit purulent sopli, then has somehow passed or has somehow taken place. Also it was incured - that vyshmargivaju I shall forget since like all normally the wife among night has lifted - I speak a rotten fish stinks. popromyval salty water - again like has passed or has taken place, but now opposite sopli every day and strongly does not pawn, but von in a nose oshchushchjaju almost all time, and since morning almost up to a vomiting. Have now advised to wash out a solution of a lemon juice - I wash out. Prompt please advantage or benefit of it or this will be or can still or even than add? Thanks.
P.S. Consultation of the cardiologist of an operational experience of patients of the fitted a prosthesis valves of heart is necessary.
Success to you.

04.12.2005, 19:03
By signs, at you a genyantritis, but it is possible or probable also an ozena (an evil-smelling rhinitis), consultation of the otolaryngologist is necessary, the lemon juice very much dries a mucosa of a nasal cavity, use "Aekol". Success!
Otolaryngologist Majja Sergeevna.

06.12.2005, 21:14
The answer
Dear Romeo,
Under your description, it is similar on chronic purulent etmoidit. This inflammation of a trellised labyrinth having many fine cells and one greater or big - gajmorovu a sinus. Here it is not enough treatment of a genyantritis, for it is necessary to treat all trellised labyrinth
Disease very dangerous an opportunity of break of pus in an eye or in a brain. Therefore a selftreatment and especially lavages of a nose are very dangerous. Address to more skilled or experienced ENT-expert or to ENT-professor in one of the Moscow clinics specified on my site.