Просмотр полной версии : At a swallowing clicks in a throat

19.07.2005, 11:42
The doctor prompt please, almost half a year at a swallowing clicks in a throat. Doctors speak what is it can be connected with a sublingual ossicle or bonelet (adjournment of salts), but anybody does not put the exact diagnosis.
Did or Made a computer tomography of soft tissues of a cervical department and a larynx. Any changes it is not revealed.
Already began not only to click at a swallowing, but also there was constant " a sensation of a throat ".
At me an adenoid disease, practically every week do or make a lavage of tonsils.
What is it can be? In advance thanks

20.07.2005, 08:49
The answer
Dear Hope,
Under your description, there is a disease of a throat in occasion of which you spend treatment (every week do or make a lavage of tonsils and there was constant " a sensation of a throat "). For virtual discussion of the possible or probable reasons there is not enough information. Therefore, it is necessary to address to more skilled or experienced ENT-expert or to ENT-professor in Honey. The center the First Doctor.