Просмотр полной версии : After a puncture of a genyantritis

18.03.2005, 15:06
After a puncture of a genyantritis what to do or make!
What vitamins, can tablets what to warm, porsmorkat... .chto to do or make???

19.03.2005, 10:28
The answer
Dear C,
The genyantritis is an inflammation gajmorovoj sinuses and demands antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory treatment. Genyantrites happen different and everyone demand different treatment. The puncture, at a genyantritis, is one of stages of treatment. And what at you you have not described a genyantritis. Address to ENT-expert is better.

21.03.2005, 13:29
Well if to you the doctor has made a puncture he generally should and appoint or nominate further to you treatment...