Просмотр полной версии : What further with tonsils?

Elena With.
18.02.2005, 11:27
Hello, the doctor! At me after transferred or carried ORVI in December 2004, the temperature up to 37.3 keeps, there are days, that it or her is not present, more often is not present in the morning, by the evening is. Reddening in larynxes, morbidity in tracheas and as though on the right in bronchuses. I have passed or have taken place a heap of doctors. As this status that improves, worsens from a degree of morbidity in a throat. As a result the third ENT (!), One month ago, diagnoses faringmikoz and a tonsillitis. Has handed over the analysis of DNA on viruses and crop on mushrooms. The virus (gerpetichesky Ayr as a result has come to light.., excuse. I do not remember the name), and one kind of mushrooms. Has registered Djufljukan, to prick TSikloferon, Imudon, washed out in day of a tonsil and sucked away or pumped out slime as she at me it is constant in a drink or pharynx. And even looked through a microscope, to exclude a tuberculosis. (though already too in tubdispansere handed over the analysis - otr and a roentgen). That I can tell or say, reddening and an edema rate has left from a throat, but. Is, there was a sensation pershenija, slime, bolezennost to a trachea and on the right bolezennost in a lung. Has ENT sent me even KT-sredostenenija. The doctor on KT-has not revealed a pathology, but thus sprava/and at the left (probably after the transferred or carried bronchitis, soldering, walls of an esophagus utolshcheny... What does it mean???) . I once again have asked again it or him, there is at me something bad, on what have responded = is not present =. The dear doctor, excuse for the long letter, but I do not know that to me to do or make?! ENT too in perplexity, on idea should help or assist, though leaves a variant of excisions of tonsils. They after washing, all the same suppurate. And this slime iz-for it or this (its or her words). And here temperature??!! I am afraid at excision of tonsils, suddenly iz-for usual colds I shall start to choke, as this sensation is, when there comes an exacerbation. What do you prompt me tactics of my actions?

18.02.2005, 19:40
The answer
Dear Elena,
Your tonsils, is last protection of your lungs.
Under your description, similar, that there is a disturbance of aerodynamics on Southern type which programs cold and diseases of a throat. Individual selection of antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory drops is necessary for a nose in view of disturbances of aerodynamics of a nose for you. Address to more skilled or experienced ENT-expert or in Honey. The center of the Agami