Просмотр полной версии : Diagnose a bradyacuasia link sided I-to II degree as zvukoproveden...

Natasha To.
29.08.2004, 23:25
Diagnose a bradyacuasia link sided I-to II degree as zvukoprovedenija. The reason see in a curvature of a nasal septum to the left, salpingootit, a synechia. Indications - operation. It would be desirable to learn or find out, whether it is valid she it is necessary. What hope for restoration of hearing with her and without it or her?

The doctor honey. V.I.Kochenov's sciences.
30.08.2004, 06:19
Operation is necessary. Without restoration of respiration function acoustical works will not be adjusted. Though and to hope that after operation samolikvidiruetsja the pathology of an acoustical pipe is not necessary. Operation - the first stage. From what there was a synechia? They are treated with very greater or big work and recur.

Natasha To.
30.08.2004, 13:55
In the diagnosis it is written simply down: a synechia of a nose at the left. Speak, that a curvature of a nasal septum congenital. Falling of hearing has started to notice about 2 years ago. In the childhood there were chronic genyantrites some times. Treated without piercing. How much complex or difficult operation offered to me (podslizistaja a resection of a nasal septum, a section of a synechia). How often there is such pathology? What in general chances to restore or even to save hearing (now 50 % and continue to fall). Byna on several consultations. Series of doctors write the diagnosis not a synechia, and a chronic eustachitis at the left.

Natasha To.
31.08.2004, 09:37
In the diagnosis it is written simply down: a synechia of a nose at the left. Speak, that a curvature of a nasal septum congenital. Falling of hearing has started to notice about 2 years ago. In the childhood there were chronic genyantrites some times. Treated without piercing. How much complex or difficult operation offered to me (podslizistaja a resection of a nasal septum, a section of a synechia), is done or made she in an out-patient department or in a hospital, under a narcosis? How often there is such pathology? What in general chances to restore or even to save hearing (now 50 % and continue to fall). Byna on several consultations. Series of doctors write the diagnosis not a synechia, and a chronic eustachitis at the left.