Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, at me a genyantritis in the left part of a nose (by pictures). Physically nik...

25.08.2004, 01:23
The doctor, at me a genyantritis in the left part of a nose (by pictures). I do not notice physically any sensations. Only during colds when a rhinitis, if strongly to incline a head downwards some pain above the left eye and above left chasti a nose is felt. When the rhinitis starts to pass or take place, the right part starts to breathe well, and in left very difficultly there is a dense yellowish education. Prompt the doctor how to cure this genyantritis? A nyxis I shall not do or make in no event, in the first because the genyantritis not so strong and not like does not cause or cause convenience, in the second, as speak if once to make a nyxis, then all life will prick.

And more. At smorkanii in the left part among this yellow education there is also an education of red color, similar blood. Under one prescription I recently have prepared for a solution a teaspoon scarlet on chajn the spoon of honey, have impregnated with it or this wadded flagellas and have deeply enough thrust. This way has helped or assisted me with nasmorokom, has left very much obrazovanijaj. Whether it can as that to damage or injure;hurt? Whether it is necessary to worry in occasion of red educations? Spasib

Leshkova E.J.
26.08.2004, 08:50
At you clinic of a link sided purulent genyantritis. In this case it is necessary to be treated. You have not written: this disease how long proceeds. But in any case (acute it is process or an exacerbation chronic) it is necessary to throw all forces on liquidation of the center of a purulent infection (in the field of a head!). Punctures (punctures) left gajmorovoj a sinus it is not necessary to be afraid. All reasonings, that " once to make a nyxis, then all life will prick " are wrongful, even because all us have anastomosises between any adnexal or additional sinus of a nose and a nose. When it (anastomosis) badly functions, conditions for development of a genyantritis are framed. And from a puncture of any anastomosis does not remain. But not necessarily punctures, many other methods of treatment of a genyantritis. Do not play for time, address to the otolaryngologist! Presence of an impurity of a blood in separated of a nose speaks or about the started process or a trauma of vessels mucous a nose at strong smorkanii.

The doctor of an ENT V.I.Kochenov.
27.08.2004, 18:17
The description of complaints approaches or suits about under the diagnosis etmoidit. Urgently also it is necessarily necessary to investigate or research in detail a nasal cavity at the expert. Krovjanistye allocation sometimes happen the first prizhnakom a malignant tumour.