Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the dear doctor! At mine the daddy the third week does not pass or take place...

19.08.2004, 00:54
Hello, the dear doctor! At mine the daddy the third week there does not pass or there take place tussis. That he already only did not drink. First usual tablets " from tussis on grasses " (vegetative), a syrup "Lazolvan", tea with a raspberry and honey - it is vain. The doctor has registered to him eufilin, Diazolinum and antibtotiki - has had a drink week, does not pass or take place. Earlier though cleared the throat or expectorated a little, and now dry not passing or not taking place tussis - at night practically does not sleep. The diagnosis to him have put: something of type of a bronchitis. Help or assist, please!!! Advise, what to him a medicine still to buy or purchase???
Thankful in advance.

Zlotnikov K.L.
20.08.2004, 01:03
Yana, address to therapists.